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Playlist: O'Dark 30 episode 45

Compiled By: KUT

Caption: PRX default Playlist image

O’Dark 30 is KUT's tame yet lovable adventure through the world of independent radio production. Every Sunday at midnight on KUT 90.5 Austin we present 3 hours of a little bit of everything from the world of independent radio production.

Episode 45 includes Corn Maze on a Dairy Farm...Julia Child in Corn...Chicken a la Steinbeck...The Book...The Mikie Show #10 Scott...An Unusual Drag King...The Heated Future: A Timely Tale...Manners For The Dining Area...The Tell-Tale Heart...The Time Traveler: A Man, A Dream, A Machine...My Spanish Harlem...Save the Endangered Didgeridoo...Old Man Steal's the Sun's Leggings

Corn Maze on a Dairy Farm

From Emily Corwin | 07:48

Meet the energetic personality behind a small Connecticut dairy farm, take a tour of a corn maze, and find out what it takes to sell local milk in an age of corporate agriculture.

Cornmaze_small Fort Hill Farms is one of 6 local dairy farms contributing to Connecticut's phenomenally successful Farmer's Cow Milk.  Visit the cows and the corn maze to discover what it takes to sell local milk in an age of corporate agriculture.  

Julia Child in Corn

From Karen Brown | 04:00

Light feature about a corn maze in the shape of Julia Child.

Juliachildmazehires_small What could be a more appropriate homage to a cook than to have her likeness rendered in food? Or corn stalks, to be exact. At a farm in Western Massachusetts, visitors can wander through a cornfield engraved in the shape of the world's favorite french chef -- Julia Child. Karen Brown reports. This piece aired on WFCR in Amherst, MA on August 29, 2006. A shorter version ran on NPR's Weekend Edition on August 27, 2006.


From Leet and Litwin | Part of the HUNGRY: The Literary Julia Child series | 26:55

A gift from the Julia Child Foundation. In "Cannery Row" the hobos poach a chicken over a campfire, in a 5-gallon coffee can. What they don't know, but Julia does, is that they've made the classic Poule au Pot, the favorite dish of King Henri IV. Chefs Carlo Middione and Shirley Fong-Torres give recipes for variations on the Steinbeck recipe.

3uyz0m3bxg5cyg0c_small Julia says, "Cooking is always about more than food." This program is "about eating, some cooking, and mostly about people."

The people here are Mack and the boys in "Cannery Row." Michael Belitsos has just the right voice to spin their yarn, set beside the Carmel River, where the stream tumbles, fish jump. and insects hum. On the way here the boys have hit a chicken -- "without running too far off the road." They have some onions and carrots that have fallen off a truck. And so begins their cooking adventure.

Between segments of Steinbeck, Julia weaves in comments about their culinary technique. They "have the secret advocated by Escoffier himself: 'Keep it simple.'"

Chef Carlo Middione comes in with a demonstration of poaching a chicken the Italian way. It's pretty easy. You laugh with the crew when Carlo concludes, "If you can't do this you can't do anything." Next, Shirley Fong-Torres takes us to Chinatown and shows what the Chinese do with poached chicken -- from soup to salad to stir-fry.
The guest chefs have stories of their own -- a few of them about Julia -- proving what she says: "Cooking is always about more than food."

The Book

From Hans Anderson | 11:38

Suspense story about my creepy pantry

The Book
Hans Anderson

Default-piece-image-1 Not broadcast, experimental fiction. I am not sure if this belongs on public radio at all. You tell me. I have found my voice heading in this direction, short fictional audio, and I find that this sounds very un-PR. I'd love to get this aired, but realistically... who could play something like this? What show exists? For more information and conversation, visit this feature on Transom.org.

I woke up from a nap one day having had a major nightmare; that doesn't usually happen but as I lay there, groggy, I thought, "hey, that'd be a great story!" and I jumped up and wrote it.  Having said that, as is usual when recounting a dream, the more I wrote the less sense my dream made.  What finished off was pretty good, made better by a friend who listened to it for me, and said right in the middle his cat jumped off the couch behind him and he whirled around in a panic.  Nice.

The Mikie Show #10, Scott

From Michael Carroll | Part of the The Mikie Show series | 28:02

Yippee, our tenth anniversary! Well, really just our tenth show, but still, nice to be here. We interview Alternative Rock producer Scott Litt. One of the greats, he's produced and/or mixed so many songs you all know. The short list would be Nirvana, R.E.M., Indigo Girls, Paul Kelly, The db's…What a blast. Also our friend Señor Glow stops by to help celebrate along with The Hi There's! There's more!

Scott_power_station_small We speak with Alternative Rock legendary producer Scott Litt. A little shop talk, advise to new bands and remembering making records with Nirvana, R.E.M. and others. Plus, the rest of our "crew" is on hand for our big tenth anniversary show! OK, it's just our tenth show, not tenth anniversary, but it's a cause to celebrate nonetheless.

The Heated Future: A Timely Tale

From Terrascope Radio | Part of the Terrascope Radio Major Features series | 22:27

In this unique combination of radio drama and field reporting, three teens from a future racked by climate change travel back in time to present-day Abu Dhabi. There they find what might be the key to preventing their own catastrophic future. All interviews recorded on location.

Masdar_small It's a radio drama! It's field reporting! It's both--it's today's world, seen through tomorrow's eyes. Three teens travel back in time from a future racked by global climate change to present-day Abu Dhabi. There they explore Masdar, a fully sustainable city that is just now being built. Could it help prevent the future catastrophe? All interviews recorded on location in Masdar City and related sites.

Manners For The Dining Area

From The humble Farmer | 01:18

How does one define "good manners"

Humbleoats_small Is good manners doing what makes your host or guest the most comfortable?

The Tell-Tale Heart

From KUER | Part of the Radio Hour series | 17:24

Radio Production of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart"

The Tell-Tale Heart

Radiopoehigh_small KUER's RadioWest and Salt Lake City's Plan B Theatre Company present Edgar Allan Poe's horror classic "The Tell-Tale Heart." Murder -- guilt --insanity. The terror is brought to life in this full radio production.

The Time Traveler: a Man, a Dream, a Machine

From Emily Corwin | 09:35

A boy's grief led him to an extraordinary discovery...

Ron When Ronald Mallett was 10 years old, his father died of a heart attack.  Ron was devastated, and wanted to see his father again. He set out to build a time machine from junk he found in his basement.  50 years later, Theoretical Physicist Dr. Ronald Mallett has developed the equations to build a real time machine. 

This is a narrated story taken from an interview with the scientist about his memoir, Time Traveler.  Spike Lee is directing a feature length film adapted from Dr. Mallett's memoir; the film is currently in production.

Save the Endangered Didgeridoo

From Vermont Public | 04:49

A musician explains why the didgeridoo is special and how it saved his life.

Default-piece-image-2 Pitz Quattrone, a musician from East Montpelier, Vermont, is on a mission: to "save the endangered didgeridoo in the USA." He has planned and financed three events in Montpelier this fall to spread the message. He says the didgeridoo is not only the oldest instrument in the world, but it also saved his life. In this self-narrated piece, produced by Vermont Public Radio host and producer Jane Lindholm, Quattrone explains some of the history of the instrument, how it's played, and why it's so important to him.