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Playlist: O'Dark 30 episode 175 (4-19)

Compiled By: KUT

Caption: PRX default Playlist image

KUT's O’Dark 30 is now in semi-prime time with more of the very best from the world of independent radio production. Sunday nights at 10 on Austin's KUT 90.5 we present 3 hours of a bit of everything from the world of independent radio production.

Episode 175 (4-19) includes 99% Invisible #34- The Speed of Light for Pyramids (Director's Cut)...The Things They Carry: Staff Sergeant Christen Cohen...#43 - What If There Was No Destiny?...Louis Armstrong from KUT's Views and Brews Liner Notes...Two Ears...Cross My Path...Holocaust Voices...The Soul of Guatemala...Bonjour Chanson Series 12 Episode 56...Favorite Childhood Food

99% Invisible #34- The Speed of Light for Pyramids (Director's Cut)

From Roman Mars | Part of the 99% Invisible (Director's Cut) series | 09:59

What we can learn from architects who lived thousands of years ago: make buildings last longer.


The Great Pyramid: Size Matters

(Above: CC photo by Swamibu)

Last year, Steve Burrows CBE (Principle at the engineering consulting firm Arup) spent several weeks in Egypt studying the pyramids through the eyes of a modern day structural engineer. The result, which was presented in a documentary for the Discovery Channel and published in an article for DesignIntelligence, presented fascinating insights into the design of the pyramids and offers some lessons in how we may think about sustainability through longevity in modern architecture.

Burrows’ research reveals that some of the same practical considerations that structural engineers and architects contend with today, may have driven all the major decisions about the design and construction of the Giza Pyramids.

(Below: Steve Burrows “Engineering the Impossible”, photo (c) Arup)

The Things They Carry: Staff Sergeant Christen Cohen

From Jake Warga | Part of the The Things They Carry: U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan series | 02:34

Part of a series that asks U.S. soldiers serving in Afghanistan what they have to carry around with them every day—from the physical to the emotional...


A soldier’s personal experience of serving in Afghanistan through what they have to carry—from the physical to the emotional: The helmets, the guns, the reminders of home, the hardships of deployment, things they brought with them, the things they will leave behind.
And the memories they will have to carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Inspired by Tim O’Brien’s Pulitzer-nominated book “The Things They Carried”

The series offers a larger look at what America, as a nation, will have from its longest running war.

This production is part of the Global Story Project, with support from the Open Society Foundations. Presented by PRX, the Public Radio Exchange. 




#43 - What If There Was No Destiny?

From HowSound | 20:24

If only there was a quadratic equation for ethics, right? Plug in the variables and the equation spits out the answers. No such luck which means we've got to talk it through, like we do on this episode of HowSound with Radiolab reporter Pat Walters.


Sometimes, I wish there was a quadratic equation for journalism ethics. Just plug in the variables and the equation spits out the answer: "No. Don't do that -- ever." Or, "Yes. This is allowed in this circumstance." Wouldn't that make ethical decision making easier?

Take, for instance, use of the pronoun "I." Seems like using "I" in so many cases is verboten. Yet, with greater frequency, "I" appears in more and more pubic radio journalism. Seems like "I" now exists in a gray area -- perfect for the ethics quadratic equation.

But, what about personal opinion? Isn't that forbidden? I don't hear too much of that. Seems like the line is relatively clear. But, then again...

Listen to the Radiolab story featured on this edition of HowSound. It's called "What If There Was No Destiny?" The line on opinion is blurred slightly when reporter Pat Walters says: "I asked Barbara about some of the things she said because, to be totally honest, they kind of turned my stomach." And, there's more. You'll have to listen.

After you do, will you please apply your quadratic equation for ethics to this and let me the answer you arrive at?

Cheers, Rob

Louis Armstrong

From KUT | Part of the KUTX Liner Notes series | 03:00

Trumpeter Louis Armstrong is consider one of the most important musicians of the 20th century. With his innovations in ensemble playing and his distinctive personal voice, he helped to inspire generations of musicians. In his long career, Armstrong modeled both accommodation and radicalism in confronting issues of segregation, poverty, violence, and the perils of commercialism. We hope you enjoy this short feature as Rabbi Neil Blumofe shares a unique take on Louis Armstrong.

Louis Armstrong

Louisprx-240_small Satchmo’s skills as a soloist furthered the development of jazz and the improvisational arts and codified the characteristic sound of New Orleans in the wider American imagination. Possessing many aspects of a complex character, Armstrong at once embodied the innovative spirit of America and also the challenges brought against hypocrisy, elitism, and repression.  He was simultaneously the gallant and the rascal.

Two Ears

From Documentary on One - RTE, Ireland | 10:28

A wonderful tale of good farming, good radio and a voice from the past. Radio producer Tim Lehane found an old tape in his attic. It was the favourite piece of RTE agriculture journalist Joe Murray, about the early harvest in 1992. Joe died in May 2011.

00020b04-474_small A wonderful tale of good farming, good radio and a voice from the past. Radio producer Tim Lehane found an old tape in his attic. It was the favourite piece of RTE agriculture journalist Joe Murray, about the early harvest in 1992.  Joe died in May 2011.

Cross my Path

From Jay Allison | Part of the Animals and Other Stories series | 08:45

One man, three hundred dogs and cats

Cross my Path
Jay Allison

Animals Leo Grillo can't stand to see an animal suffer. So he takes them all in to his place. He's up to about three hundred dogs and cats, and if he can't find homes for them, he keeps them until they die of natural causes. (NOTE TO STATIONS: Be sure to frame this piece as "vintage," produced in the 1980s. While the content holds up fine, you need to note the fact that this story was made about 20 years old, so that you don't unintentionally mislead your listeners into thinking these are contemporary voices.)

Holocaust Voices

From WHRV | 59:03

5 Survivors of the Holocaust share thier stories

Holocaust Voices

Holocau_1247599a_small This poignant one-hour program will offer the personal accounts of five area individuals who survived the Holocaust. Working with the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, WHRV producer Michelle Gabriele-Harrell conducted interviews with Anne Friedman, David Katz, Hanns Loewnbach, Dana Cohen and Kitty Saks. "No matter how much you read in history books or other written accounts, there is nothing that compares to a first hand telling," says producer Harrell. "It was humbling to work with these remarkable people as they shared their stories." WHRO/WHRV President and CEO Bert Schmidt added, "It's so critical to capture these stories while they can be told by those in our community who actually lived through the event. This is important material that will add incalculable value to available written accounts."

The Soul of Guatemala

From Jesse Dukes | Part of the The Soul of Guatemala series | 30:31

Latin America has been overwhelmingly Catholic for centuries, but that's changing, and Guatemala is leading the way, as Latin America's Evangelical Frontier.

1-guatesoul-9824_small Guatemala is Latin America's most Evangelical Country by percentage, approaching half Protestant. The small, mountainous country just south of Mexico is leading Latin America in a thirty-year Evangelical revival.

Part I, Miracle Town begins in Almolonga, a small town in the highlands that Evangelicals call "Miracle Town".  A majority of the town converted to Evangelical Christianity in the 1970's and  shortly after, the town transformed, becoming prosperous and one of Guatemala's leading vegetable producers. Not everybody agrees it was a miracle, however.

Part II, Megachurches explores how Evangelical Protestantism grew in the years following a devestating Earthquake, during Guatemala's Civil War, when the Catholic Church was under-represented. Evangelicals have sinceb ecome a distinct movement within Guatemala; a powerful social and political force. Guatemala City has five  megachurches and a new one is being built by an internationally famous televangelist to accomodate 15,000 congregants. Another famous  in Pastor in Guatemala City is trying to transform Guatemala the same way he thinks the "miracle town" was transformed. Many think this pastor, Dr. Harold Caballeros, is on the way to becoming Guatemala's next President.

This documentary is available as a full 27 minute piece, or split un into 10 minute and 17 minute sections to fit Segments A + B in NPR's Special Programming clock. Versions with and without musical tails available. NOTE: Full (31 minute) version with long ambi and musical files available under "addtional files" below. Also available, ambi and music beds to use with hosting, and a SOC.

Also : This same documentary is available, in abridged form, as three 5-6 minute features. See the Series page for details.

Support provided by The Open Society Foundations
The International Reporting Project

Bonjour Chanson Series 12 Episode 56

From Charles Spira | Part of the Bonjour Chanson Series 12 series | 25:45

The six Francophone songs in this episode form a colorful palette of very different emotions. You'll hear about the artists and their songs in English and after listening to their interpretation In French, you'll wish that there was more.

Rennes2_small The artists in this episode are very different but bring strong emotions to their performance. Each one interprets one of their own songs.  Here is the lineup:
La Grande Sophie,(France), Sucrer les Fraises
Eiffel, (France). A Tout Moment La Rue
Céline Ollivier, (France), Alice
Nicolas Peyrac, (France), Un Volet Bat De L'Aile
Salomé Leclerc, (Canada), Tourne Encore
Ludéal, (France), Finir Flou

Favorite Childhood Food

From University of Montana Journalism | 01:15

Producer Taylor Romack's voxpop on favorite childhood foods. Filed as part of the Advanced Audio class at the University of Montana.

Macandcheese_small This feature was produced as part of UM Journalism's Advanced Audio class.