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Playlist: O'Dark 30 episode 02

Compiled By: KUT

Caption: PRX default Playlist image

O'Dark 30 is an exploration of the world of independent radio production. A brand new program on KUT 90.5 Austin that debuts Sunday December 6th at midnight. Every week we look forward to presenting 3 hours of a little bit of everything from the world of independent radio production We’ve got one rule… if it’s good, we’re gonna try to bring it to Austin.

Episode 2 of O'Dark 30 includes...Turkeys...Cross My Path...Dr. Phil...Drunk Daddy Santa...Raider of Lost Ark...KUT's own Raider of the Lost Archives...Who Killed Santa Claus For You...Just Another Fish Story...Open Source episode...Those Who Care...The Piano Psychologist...Dear Birth Mother


From Hearing Voices | Part of the Scott Carrier stories series | 06:39

Turkeys' life and death.

Hearing Voices

Scott150_small From turkey farm to supermarket, the life and death of a turkey.

Cross my Path

From Jay Allison | Part of the Animals and Other Stories series | 08:45

One man, three hundred dogs and cats

Cross my Path
Jay Allison

Animals Leo Grillo can't stand to see an animal suffer. So he takes them all in to his place. He's up to about three hundred dogs and cats, and if he can't find homes for them, he keeps them until they die of natural causes. (NOTE TO STATIONS: Be sure to frame this piece as "vintage," produced in the 1980s. While the content holds up fine, you need to note the fact that this story was made about 20 years old, so that you don't unintentionally mislead your listeners into thinking these are contemporary voices.)

Dr. Phil

From starlee kine | 29:11

I learned how to write a break-up song to get over my break-up

Dr. Phil
starlee kine

Philcollinslovesongsface_small This is a story I did for This American Life. It just won the Gold Prize at the Third Coast Audio Festival, which was incredibly exciting. The story is about heartbreak and wallowing and sadness and how songs make you stay sad, but in a good way. I hope you like it.

Drunk Daddy Santa

From Justin Laird | Part of the Electric Radio Company series | 06:52

Jason Mehl tells the story of his meeting with a drunken Santa.

Justin_jason_christmas_small In this piece, Jason Mehl tells his story of a phone call with a drunken Santa Claus who sounded eerily like his father that occured when he was 12 years old. 

Raider of the Lost Ark

From Jake Warga | 08:42

Looking for the not-so-lost Ark and finding something else

Wargaark09_small All Things Considered, February 6, 2007 Steven Spielberg plans to begin filming the fourth installment of the Indiana Jones series this spring with Harrison Ford and Sean Connery. The first film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, came out in 1981, and it left a deep impression on independent producer Jake Warga. While on a trip to Ethiopia, Warga dons his fedora, just like Indiana Jones, and goes in search of the lost Ark of the Covenant. He discovers a few things along the way: that the ark's final resting spot isn't deep in a government warehouse, but in a church in a dusty Ethiopian city on the border with Eritrea, and that life isn't always as it is in films.

Who Killed Santa Claus For You?

From Curie Youth Radio | 01:58

How we learned that Santa wasn't real.

Images_small Parents, take heed. Kids, close your ears. Teenagers from Chicago remember the exact moment they found out that Santa wasn't real. Curie Youth Radio is a writing and radio production class at Curie High School on Chicago's Southwest side. Here, students create their own stories: fresh takes on everything from snowball fights to gang warfare. They see their stories as a way for teenagers in one Chicago high school to reach out to the rest of the world.

Just Another Fish Story

From Salt Institute for Documentary Studies | 08:28

A small town in rural Maine recalls the impact of a beached whale on their community.

Default-piece-image-1 Ten years ago, a whale washed ashore on the beach of Lubec in the poorest county in Maine. The people in town had to make a decision quickly—how would they get rid of a 60-ton dead whale?

Those Who Care

From Alaska Teen Media Institute | 02:13

A commentary by ATMI reporter Max Jungreis about the encounter he had a with a man on the street.

Default-piece-image-2 This commentary discusses some of the reasons as to why people are helpful to one another.

The Piano Psychologist

From John Tynan | 06:14

John Tynan talked with a man who learns about people through an unlikely source.

Piano_small You can pick up clues about people in many different ways. Just as Sherlock Holmes could read into a person’s background by the way they dressed, John Tynan talked with a man who learns about people through an unlikely source.

Dear Birth Mother

From Long Haul Productions | Part of the Becoming a Mom series | 28:58

After waiting for Mr. Right (who has yet to arrive) - and after years of fertility treatments - Suzanne, a single woman in her forties, decided to adopt. She chose transracial adoption.

Suz_loretta_small After waiting in vain for Mr. Right - and after years of fertility treatments - Suzanne, a single, white woman in her forties, decided to adopt. She chose transracial adoption. Long Haul Productions documented the entire process - beginning with workshops designed to "teach white people to raise kids of color," baby-shopping trips with Mom at Target, a critical rendezvous with a young mother at a pancake house, and, finally, a magical night at a suburban restaurant chain. Producers Dan Collison and Elizabeth Meister followed Suzanne for several months as she waited to see if she would become a parent; she offered extraordinary access into her home, and really, into every aspect of her life. This piece debuted on May 9, 2005, on WBEZ (Chicago Public Radio), and subsequently aired May 10, 2005, on All Things Considered. "Dear Birth Mother" is a follow-up to "Babyquest," also available on PRX, which documents Suzanne's failed attempt to get pregnant via In Vitro fertilization.