Playlist: Poem In Your Pocket Day
Compiled By: Susan J. Cook
April 18, 2024 is Poem In Your Pocket Day, part of the annual indulgence of the written word in Poetic form. Here are some (or maybe pick just one) poem for your Pocket. From the author of "Breathing: American Sonnets"
An American Sonnet for The Woman Who Is a Journalist
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:11
During National Poetry Month, an American Sonnet to bring us to know better the women journalists of Ukraine.
-Susan Cook-
Tell Me How Many Black Seabirds
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | :56
In these times, a poem for the places we find resilience.
- Playing
- Tell Me How Many Black Seabirds
- From
- Susan J. Cook
Tell Me How Many Black Seabirds
-Susan Cook-
Tell me how many black seabirds
woke up this morning, flew to a high place,
shook off a thousand drops of river, heard
each one, in slow motion, fall, a trace
of where each one began inside. This is
a daily ritual. They celebrate
with such silence, quiet applause, which is
to say, this abundance will tell a (late
sometimes) lie. The absence of chaos, just
drops of water shaken off, lets the heat
from the sun's dependable rays, we trust,
bring heart to any body's weary beat.
Tell me how we remind ourselves to turn
to the deliberate, needing it just now.
The Discovery of Light: An American Sonnet
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | :55
Thomas Edison and what his light did- understood through an American Sonnet.
- Playing
- The Discovery of Light: An American Sonnet
- From
- Susan J. Cook
The Discovery of Light: An American Sonnet
-Susan Cook-
Thomas Edison discovered cotton,
carbonized, sent out strands of silky light.
The non-believers drove for miles, not in
fascination, but in doubt that night sight
didn't require burning fire first,
a kindling so much harder to ignite,
the loss of life, from time to time, the curse
of other lamps, the tragedy of fire
placed too close, times when frightened horses kicked
the stable candle, burning hay that brought
entire towns to ash, the flames that licked
up everything, the cost of fire caught.
Some still don't trust a horse's fear, sudden
swaying, still not sure what this light has done.
Remembering We Have Already Said Farewell: "Epilogue: To a Fire Gone" from "Breathing: American Sonnets"
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:42
An American Sonnet to those to whom we have said "Farewell".
From "Breathing: American Sonnets"
by Susan Cook
(available from
To a Fire Gone
After "Reluctance: by Robert Frost
Ah, when to the heart of man
Was it ever less than treason
To go with the drift of things,
To yield with a grace to reason
And bow and accept the end
Of a love or a season?
When was it less than treason? But what do
you mean, Mr. Frost? That’s for countries to
feel short-changed by. Loss happens to those who
see the passing on of days, years, one blue
time in life, one breaking, undoing a
treacherous rope they have been tied onto,
its deep burn. In the coldest time of day
or night, fires started that you thought grew
larger instead were, licked back into their
own intensity, remained confined on
one small patch of earth. You did not see where
the fire, some time later, died. You were gone.
Big difference, see, between countries resigned
to losing, small unfed fires, gone in time.
Ode to Mr. Roubini's West Grand Lake Bass Update
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 03:18
In Maine, Bass fishing on West Grand Lake is a destination respite for many, including Mr. Nouriel Roubini, the legendary economist who was almost single-handed in anticipating the 2008 housing collapse and world-wide recession. This "Ode to Mr. Roubini's West Grand Lake Bass " is revisited in the wake of the recent change in , let's say, the landscape under the "River of Financial Abundance".
The 2022 Prologue,
Mr. Roubini, time to fire up the grill,
Your very best guide in this time of ticker tape upheaval
is not Bloomberg News or today's Wall Street Journal.
To keep your title as Dr. West Grand Lake Bass,
your Omega-3s jumping, still saving our last
nickels and dollars from going out with the tide,
go to www.grandlakestreamguides."
Sonnet For The Baseball Teams Playing "Sweet Caroline"
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | :54
This is a sonnet for the baseball teams who after the tragedy at the Boston Marathon each played the song the Boston Red Sox play during a game when they score a home run.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:07
Some years back The House of Representatives' healthcare bill denied maternity care and denied health insurance to 18 to 25 year olds. Back then, Maine's Representative Poliquin fled to the restroom when reporters asked about his vote to pass the bill. Only a sonnet conveys the stark neglect of others in his proposed bill.
- Playing
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
- From
- Susan J. Cook
-Susan Cook-
anymore. It tolls for whom white men want
it to. Those for whom we’ve wept - give me
your tired, your poor, your huddled mass, who want
to be free, remember- are left on bare
Mattresses. Newborns are a wealthy man’s tax
burden, babies denied health care, once they’re
born. Mr. Pro-Life’s knife, stabs at their backs
and ex- Representative Poliquin
hides in the men’s room. The truth has a fist,
that now endures and cannot be hidden.
In his healthcare vote, newborns don’t exist.
The bell tolls now for white men, who squander
this country of hope, the lost who’ve wandered.
Sonnet for Donald Hall (after reading his essay on growing old)
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:07
Donald Hall died on June 23rd. A sonnet written after reading his essay on growing old.
(After Reading His Essay on Growing Old)
-Susan Cook-
barns, for generations, have been lost
when one last winter snow storm tears the past
apart, barns like time, there until they're not.
And Donald Hall, I'm coming by to cook
for you, who've lived the inexplicable:
that foods are truly love, the loves that look
you in the eye, the meal that leaves you full.
And Donald Hall, your tree sees where you sit
and all who've watched before sitting by your
side. Bending back in time, were you a finch?
The tree a boy? We'll never now for sure
if trees were boys or men were birds. We knew
only this man. That's you, now. See? That's you.
Sonnet for President Obama's Tear
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:11
First published on the eve of Martin Luther King Day , we turn to our preferred form of political expression, the sonnet, to acknowledge the compassion President Obama has brought to the Presidency. Today, we offer a "Sonnet for President Obama's Tear''.
- Playing
- Sonnet for President Obama's Tear
- From
- Susan J. Cook
Sonnet for President Obama’s Tear His tear is for every person lost since illegal guns became more, much, so much more available. How do you convince the NRA these dead are theirs too? Touch the darkness of those who will not ever know who their guns took, experience wretched calculations of forever’s duration, time with no end, grief re-sensed. They calculate abstractly the time passed for those whose children died, who are not here. We only know one madman’s moment lasts lifetimes when we can’t bear Obama’s tear. Obama’s tear tells what must be retold. Compassion’s time is for whom the bell tolls.
Susan Cook
Sonnet for Justice
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:34
A sonnet about justice when it is buried and forgotten.
- Playing
- Sonnet for Justice
- From
- Susan J. Cook
Sonnet for Justice
Most of the world is doing stuff like that
most of the time. They are taking justice
out in the backyard in a body bag.
Most of them think, we’ll never know. Just this
should prove to us, clearly, reality
has its way, anyway. Our consciousness
knows the world can be a bad place without
actually seeing the men lift listless
bodies, you know, very carelessly, up.
The world cannot imagine justice placed
in some back yard like that, neglected, much
less the earth thrown over the shallow grave.
Consciousness can not protect her, listless,
in her shallow grave, breathless now justice.
-Susan Cook-
In "Breathing: American Sonnets"
Sonnet for Looking for China
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | :59
From the Spring 2023 Maine Arts Journal. A poem about grieving.
- Playing
- Sonnet for Looking for China
- From
- Susan J. Cook
Sonnet for Looking for China
(Maine Arts Journal, Spring 2023)
-Susan Cook-
I am in my garden when I fall on
my knees because I remember I can't
find you now. Things that call or that beckon,
what walks toward me, has not been you. It can't
be. So, because I remember behind
everything, there is always something more,
I start to dig. People have tried to find
China this way. You found it, I bet, sure
now, of where it is that loss goes, the fall
it brings. I will find it too and when we're
there, together, we will celebrate small
truths. "Woman burrows to China." We'll cheer
human accomplishment, what cupped hands can
do, know what it is we didn't know then.
America's Sonnet
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | :57
From America's Sonnet, "This sonnet's yours America, but you
will not take all my loves, turn my Black, brown, blue."
- Playing
- America's Sonnet
- From
- Susan J. Cook
A Sonnet for Negative Ads
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | :57
Sometimes, there is an ineffable quality to the offensiveness of negative campaign ads. We turn here to the sonnet to express deep concern about negative political ads. Thus, for this 2014 Election Campaign season, "A Sonnet for Negative Ads".
- Playing
- A Sonnet for Negative Ads
- From
- Susan J. Cook
Sonnet for Gorbachev
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | :57
The vision of Gorbachev now is destroyed by Vladimir Putin. A sonnet will remind us of what Gorbachev made possible and what is now lost by Putin's polarization.
- Playing
- Sonnet for Gorbachev
- From
- Susan J. Cook
A Poem to the President of the NRA
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:09
This poem to the President of the NRA has no statistics, no logic, no legal reasoning or principle. Only profound grief and sadness..
- Playing
- A Poem to the President of the NRA
- From
- Susan J. Cook
The Mass Shooting Sequence: In Memoriam
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 02:45
We know too much of the sequence of the aftermath of a Mass Shooting Sequence.
- Playing
- The Mass Shooting Sequence: In Memoriam
- From
- Susan J. Cook
Sonnet for Antoinette
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:03
This is a sonnet written for Antoinette, the school receptionist at the school in Georgia where a man stood outside, then fired a high powered weapon, carrying with him hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Antoinette spoke to him and he, in time, put down his weapon and surrendered to police.
- Playing
- Sonnet for Antoinette
- From
- Susan J. Cook
Imagining where love came from: Sonnet for the Primordial Gravity Waves
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:14
The 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to those who offered proof of the existence of Primordial Gravity Waves. Einstein theorized they were there. Thus a Sonnet for the Primordial Gravity Waves, another way Einstein might have known.
-Susan Cook-
Just after the universe began, love
started too. There were no people yet. It
was so, so hot, far too hot, above
all else, for touching. No one was kissed
in that airless, stifling burn, New York flat,
the hottest night at the time. Desire though
had begun, primordial, yes, that
bearing, preoccupied, down. We now know
that was love. Things became much cooler and
the universe transparent, light perceived,
attraction thus visible, hand-in-hand,
no one there to give, to taste or receive.
Falling had been heard, though, long riffs of jazz,
the beat started, before the heart it has.
Journalist Suppression and Fear for Democracy- Sonnet for the Journalist Who Said 'Wink, Wink'
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | :52
Sonnet for Wink, Wink
-Susan Cook-
There are places here on earth where a wink
at the wrong time means you will be walking
home one night, because your boss made you think
if you didn’t stay ‘til dark, you locked in,
almost, to your workplace, you’d lose your
job. He didn’t say, ‘Someone wants to harm
you . He didn’t say ‘ You think they’ll ignore
your wink.’ The winks what they want to disarm,
your long walk home, unaccompanied. Hour
by hour, totalitarian heads
of countries fear criticism’s power.
They’ll blind that wink, before anyone knows.
Winking is in the beholder’s eye, first,
oppression’s vengeance comes next, unrehearsed
Sonnet for Wink, Wink
at the wrong time means you will be walking
home one night, because your boss made you think
if you didn’t stay ‘til dark, you locked in,
almost, to your workplace, you’d lose your
job. He didn’t say, "Someone wants to harm
you ." He didn’t say. "You think they’ll ignore
your wink?" The winks what they want to disarm,
your long walk home, unaccompanied. Hour
by hour, totalitarian heads
of countries fear criticism’s power.
They’ll blind that wink, before anyone knows.
Winking is in the beholder’s eye, first,
oppression’s vengeance comes next, unrehearsed
Remembering September 11, 2001: "The Fall"
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:03
On the anniversary of September 11, In Memoriam , "The Fall"
(submitted 9/16/2013 in "Blue: American Sonnets" to the Beatrice Hawley (now Alice James) Poetry Prize)
- Playing
- Remembering September 11, 2001: "The Fall"
- From
- Susan J. Cook
(Submitted 9/16/2013 in "Blue: American Sonnets" to the Beatrice Hawley (now Alice James) Poetry Prize)
The Falcon Teaches World Democracies about Intervening in Ukraine: An American Sonnet
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:15
The conviction of the falcon, not the eagle, is the model for Democracies to call upon to Intervene in Ukraine. "An American Sonnet for the Falcon."
The Falcon Teaches World Democracies About Intervening in Ukraine
A Sonnet for the Falcon
-Susan Cook-
Tonight, the falcon hears the falconer.
She has no intention of leaving him,
talons resting gently, gloved finger, her
ancient reassurance of this system,
knowing she'll go places he can't find.
She does then, sees him peering skyward,
wondering if she's gone for good, his mind
caught too. Absence pierces silence, is heard
even when it's very brief. Birds of prey
prepare us for predictions we can't make:
the clock that stops when someone stays away,
the meal the falcon can't return to take.
Tonight, falcon and falconer rehearse,
those lost, now found, dream of the universe.
"A Sonnet for the Waterfall" Remembering Ruth Bader Ginsburg
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:15
Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at age 87.
" When the spark had finally stopped,
ending finally, the luscious waterfall,
(the opulent deceit, the pleasure seems
so innocent, relentless, after all)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Remembered
Sonnet for The Waterfall
"I see Trees Standing in Deep Water" From The Department of Poetic Justice (and Poetic Reckoning)
From Susan J. Cook | Part of the The River Is Wide series | 01:49
The town of Brunswick, Maine is set to remove 2/3 of the trees on Maine Street because it is too expensive to work around them as they install new sidewalks. Thus, an American Sonnet about the oxygen trees create as they breath.
Here, An American Sonnet.
Sonnet 1081
-Susan Cook-
I see trees standing in deep water, their
roots, saturated. They have never had
an immersion like this and now they bear
vulnerability, standing as they have
since growth's inception, since the first seed grew,
waiting for just the right temperature, heat
seeping in to warm the earth. All we knew
of fear changed just then, fundamental needs
provided for, the breath of trees to take
their careful measure of air we deplete,
trees breathing out, the oxygen they make,
inextricably tied to fates we meet.
The trees don’t know we need them. We depend
as they do on breath, theirs, world without end.