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Compiled By: Erika McGinty

Aerostat in Afghanistan. Soon coming to neighborhoods across America, beginning with Baltimore. Credit:
Aerostat in Afghanistan. Soon coming to neighborhoods across America, beginning with Baltimore.
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Camp Lovewave's 385th Show - Bill Christison

From Terran Lovewave | 56:20

Camp "Intelligent Report" Notice: Our former CIA Senior Officer, Bill Christison, revisits the Camp to discuss the absurd government lies about 9/11 and his own conversion by personally sharing what opened his eyes to the governments conspiracy story.

Default-piece-image-0 Camp Lovewave is like nothing else on the radio. With hosts Terran and Bari Lovewave and daughter Lindsay, in the "out of control room", you will become a "camper" as you sit around the virtual campfire. The camp will inform, entertain and open up some new nerual pathways. The Camp is your alternative to boring radio. Camp Lovewave airs Saturdays 9-10am MST on KSFR 90.7 FM and is streaming live on the internet at www.ksfr.org. Contact numbers: Terran Lovewave (505) 982-1017 10 Camino Sudeste Santa Fe, NM 87508 camplovewave@aol.com

Sander Hicks: Slingshot to the Juggernaut

From WFHB | Part of the Standing Room Only series | 01:01:56

Author Sander Hicks' book, Slingshot to the Juggernaut, proposes evidence that the U.S. Government allowed the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 to occur. Hicks visited Boxcar Books in Bloomington as part of a national book promotion tour and discusses his theories on 9/11 and fields questions from the audience.

Badge-wo-tagline_small Author Sander Hicks' book, Slingshot to the Juggernaut, proposes evidence that the U.S. Government allowed the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 to occur. Hicks visited Boxcar Books in Bloomington as part of a national book promotion tour and discusses his theories on 9/11 and fields questions from the audience. This event was recorded on-location by Community Access Television Services for Standing Room Only on WFHB.

"The War You Don’t See" A film by John Pilger

From Making Contact | Part of the Making Contact series | 29:00

Was mainstream media in cahoots with government forces in the lead up to the Iraq War? In his film, “The War You Don’t See,” Australian journalist John Pilger reveals the how American and British journalists contributed to the drumbeat of war, and how they could have prevented the invasion of Iraq.


Was mainstream media in cahoots with government forces in the lead up to the Iraq War?   In his film, “The War You Don’t See,” Australian journalist John Pilger reveals evidence of American and British journalists failing to scrutinize evidence or dig for hard facts in the days before the 2003 invasion. He argues that imbedded news reporters and their outlets simply towed official government lines, and the public sees only a small portion of what’s really happening in battlefields.

Tool of Law

From Voices of Our World | 28:01

The 9/11 report and the Iraq study group have made their suggestions, but both overlooked the vital question of how this war was sold. As more and more facts are revealed, and as supporters of the war rapidly seek to redefine their positions, no one seems to want to answer this essential question.

Default-piece-image-2 Part One: Tool of Law This administration has had many charges leveled against it, but the most incendiary is the charge that they doctored pre-war intelligence to make a false case to invade Iraq. In a lawful society, it requires more than accusations and speculation to prove a person?s guilt; so Elizabeth de la Vega has used her 20 years of experience as a federal prosecutor to meticulously peruse to public record, and in her book The United States vs. George w. Bush, she lays out her case to the grand jury - that would be you, American citizen- The charge is conspiracy to defraud the United States, and the defendants are George W., Condi, Cheney, Rummy, and Powell OPTIONAL CUTAWAY CUE: ?You?re listening to Voices of Our World" at 14:00*. Part Two: Vital Verdict Given the tremendous human, material, and fiscal costs of the Iraq war, we must examine what went wrong, and who was responsible. The 9/11 report and the Iraq study group have made their suggestions, but both overlooked the vital question of how this war was sold. As more and more facts are revealed, and as supporters of the war rapidly seek to redefine their positions, no one seems to want to answer this essential question. Perhaps we don?t want to believe that we were lied to by our elected officials, or perhaps we are ashamed that we were na?ve enough to trust our government in the first place. We continue our interview with former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega.

Justice For Sale: Glenn Greenwald on the Rule of Law

From Making Contact | Part of the Making Contact series | 29:01

Author Glenn Greenwald talks about his book, ‘With Liberty and Justice for Some.’ Americans claim to live under the rule of law; that no one is above our system of justice. But as we witness more exceptions to that rule, there are growing doubts that fairness is a value we as a nation, still hold dear.

Episode_pic_for_12-12_small Americans claim to live under the rule of law; that no one is above our system of justice. But as we witness more exceptions to that rule, there are growing doubts that fairness is a value we as a nation, still hold dear. On this edition, author Glenn Greenwald talks about his book, With Liberty and Justice for Some.'

Thanks to KPFA radio in Berkeley, CA.

Program #12-12
Begin Date 03/21/12. End date 09/21/12.

Please call us if you carry us - 510-251-1332 - and we will list your station on our website. If you excerpt, please credit early and often. 

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, Interview with Vincent Bugliosi

From Burton Cohen | 01:00:21

The bestselling author and Charles Manson Prosecutor makes the case.

_small Should George W Bush be prosecuted for murder? Former state Senator Burt Cohen interviews nationally renowned prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi who has successfully prosecuted 105 of 106 felony cases. The author of three number one New York Times best sellers talks with Burt about his just published book THE PROSECUTION OF GEORGE W. BUSH FOR MURDER in which he presents powerful evidence he says is sufficient to put George W. Bush on trial for murder in any jurisdiction where an American has been killed.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

From Voices of Our World | 28:00

President Bush's and Vice President Cheney's impeachment

Default-piece-image-2 Part One: HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS In the history of the United States, Congress has held 51 impeachment proceedings. Out of those, Congress has approved 12 Articles of Impeachment, 2 of which addressed misconduct by U.S. Presidents, Andrew Johnson (1868) and Bill Clinton (1998). Neither of the Presidents were convicted by the Senate or removed from office. Impeachment is not an automatic removal from office, it is merely a first step or indictment. Congress impeaches an official by a simple majority, but conviction and removal requires a 2/3s vote in the Senate. While you may certainly disagree, our guest today is deeply committed to the effort to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Raymond McGovern, a C.I.A. intelligence analyst for 27 years speaks with Producer Kathy Golden. Part Two: THANKS, BUT NO THANKS Ray McGovern kept his oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic for nearly 3 decades, serving 7 U.S. Presidents. Upon his retirement he was awarded the Intelligence Commendation Medal by President Bush. But later, along with 15 other members of Veteran Intelligence Professionals, Ray returned the medal stating that he ?did not want to be associated with an agency engaged in torture". We continue our discussion with Ray McGovern. RESOURCES: Former CIA Analyst: Government May Be Manufacturing Fake Terrorism. http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/october2005/191005McGovern.htm Can We Let Intelligence Officials Lie Without Punishment? http://www.alternet.org/module/46322 Rumsfeld Hit With Torture Lawsuit While Visiting Paris. http://www.rawstory.com//.php?story=8074 MUSIC: Beware of Darkness written by George Harrison, performed by Leon Russell Crooked Crown by Bonnie Raitt


From Voices of Our World | 27:58

0545 NOVEMBER 6 INTEGRITY A discussion on government integrity with candidate for the United States House of Representatives for Minnesota and former Chief Division Counsel and Special Agent for the Minneapolis office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Coleen Rowley.

Memo_small Part One: LEADERSHIP: Coleen Rowley, a former Special Agent and Chief Division Counsel for the Minneapolis Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is running for Congress for the state of Minnesota. If her name seems familiar, Coleen was one of three women who shared the Time Magazine, Person of the Year cover in 2002. Rowley had assisted agents in the Minneapolis office trying to get F.B.I. headquarters in Washington D.C. to give higher priority to the case of Zacharias Moussaoui. Mr. Moussaoui had raised curiosity when he told a flight instructor he didn?t need to learn how to take-off or land a plane. The so called ?20th hijacker? was taken into custody on August 15th, 2001, a full 16 days before September 11 th. Kathy Golden talks with candidate, Coleen Rowley. OPTIONAL CUTAWAY CUE: ?You?re listening to Voices of Our World" at 14:00. Part Two: INTEGRITY: We seem to be in the midst of an integrity drought. The actions of ?whistleblowers? may seem selfless and brave to most of us but their efforts are often inconvenient or viewed as sabotage by higher-ups with something to hide. Recent events have shown that the current climate in the beltway rewards cronies and sidelines or punishes the scrupulous. Kathy continues her discussion with Coleen Rowley.

Nine Years Later: Examining the Evidence in the Death of Paul Wellstone

From Burton Cohen | 59:41

Scientific analysis of the cause of the plane crash that killed Sen. Paul and Sheila Wellstone Oct 25. 2002

41467_1016176555_1666947_n_small Burt Cohen interviews Jim Fetzer who has thoroughly investigated and researched the evidence in the death of Wellstone, just ten days before an election he was expected to easily win, much to the discomfort of VP Cheney. Al evidence points to intentional electromagentic interference


From The humble Farmer | 01:17

war and business

Humbleoats_small war and business are the same

Washington Goes To The Moon PART 1

From Richard Paul | Part of the Washington Goes To The Moon series | 58:56

The politics behind the Apollo Program

Part_1_image_small This is Part 1 of two hour-long documentaries called "Washington Goes To The Moon" which examine the behind the scenes, public policy stories leading up to Apollo 11's flight to the moon. Each hour is self-contained and newscast compatible. The stories told in these programs (about NASA management, White House budget politics and Congressional oversight) had as much to do with Apollo 11 reaching the moon as the Saturn 5 rocket, but they have never been told. This program, Part 1: "Washington We Have A Problem" looks at the battle to keep the Apollo space program funded and on deadline. It tells, among other stories: -Within weeks after pledging to send a man to the moon, President Kennedy got cold feet and tried to get out the commitment by bringing the Soviets on-board. -Lyndon Johnson's budget director tried to scrap the goal of getting to the moon by 1969 in order to help Pres. Johnson pay for the Vietnam War.

Our Product Is Doubt

From Alex Smith | Part of the Radio Ecoshock Show series | 53:00

Clive Hamilton "Requiem for a Species, Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change." Stanford's Prof. Stephen Schneider on death threats, & from Senators (calling scientists "criminals"). Naoimi Oreskes on "Merchants of Doubt".

Clive_hamilton_small We go to Australia, to talk with Clive Hamilton. He's a Professor of Public Ethics, supported by Australian National University, and the University of Melbourne. Clive is lighting up the media, with a fantastic new series on climate denial. Plus his controversial new book "Requiem for a Species, Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change."

His previous books include Affluenza, Growth Fetish, Scorcher, and Silencing Dissent.

I've been reading about harassment and death threats to climate scientists, most recently in an excellent 5 part series by Clive Hamilton. The most recent installment, published in Scientific American, has the sub-head "Researchers must purge e-mail in-boxes daily of threatening correspondence, simply part of the job of being a climate scientist."

Clive Hamilton is a Professor of Public Ethics, supported by Australian National University and the University of Melbourne. Previously, he founded and ran a progressive think tank called the Australia Institute.

His five part series includes: 
February 22, 2010: Bullying, lies and the rise of right-wing climate denial
February 23rd: Who is orchestrating the cyber-bullying?
February 24th: Think tanks, oil money and black ops
February 25th: Manufacturing a scientific scandal
February 26th: Who's defending science?

- all published on the ABC National web site. 


Stephen H. Schneider is Professor of Environmental Biology and Global Change at Stanford University. He's a Senior Fellow in the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. Schneider has advised the federal government during the Nixon, Carter, Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama administrations. He is one of America's pre-eminent climate scientists, one of the driving forces behind the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

We'll hear an exclusive interview with Stanford's famous climate scientist, Stephen H. Schneider. His latest book has been frozen out by major media. His teaching has been harried by attacks from climate deniers. Schneider talks candidly about death threats, and attempts by some in Congress to charge him as a criminal. Shades of Joe McCarthy, as humanity reacts to the bad news - with more madness.

The interview comes in a telephone conversation between Professor Schneider, and one of the few independent environmental journalists left on the planet - Stephen Leahy of IPS, independent press service. Dr. Schneider opens up with news of his alleged crimes against the nation.

Naomi Oreskes, on a tour for her new book "Merchants Of Doubt, How a Handful of Scientists Obscure the Truth About Climate Change". The recording comes from the Vetlesen Lecture series, at the University of Rhode Island, March 2nd, 2010.

So there is the real conspiracy - not by climate scientists to take over the world -but by industry hacks and cold warrior ideologues - to keep us upset and stupid, while the world burns. Beware the doubters and deniers.

Interrogators Without Pliers

From Matt Thompson | 27:31

Why torture doesn't work. How to trick the enemy into revealing secrets. Lessons from the Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe. The British Police use of empathy as a weapon. With Ali Soufan, ex FBI special agent and interrogator.


 The Chinese strategist and philospher Sun Tzu wrote in 'The Art of War' that 'If you know others and know yourself you will win a hundred battles.'  Which is obviously good advice but finding out about the 'other' is not straightforward.  What if they don't want to talk and share their secrets with you? 

Much of the debate about the interrogation of suspects in America's War on Terror has been about whether the methods used, such as waterboarding, could be described as torture.  In this programme Julian Putkowski sets aside all moral questions and instead thinks about efficiency.  What is the most effective way to extract high quality information out of the enemy, the other.

If we are civil to our captives might we get them to cooperate?  What if we could get as much – or even more – information in exchange for a lot less pain?

Julian's unlikey role model is the Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe Hanns Scharff. He gently extracted information from downed US fighter pilots by being friendly and never appearing to show interest when a new piece of the mosaic fell into place. Scharff summed it up as  'a display of information and persuasion appealing to common sense'.

We do not know for sure where the Scharff technique came from originally.   But it may have been from a colourful German fighter ace, Franz von Werra.  He had been downed and captured by the British and interrogated by the RAF. He had been expecting rough handling but found his captors were rather genial chaps and harsh treatment was the exception to the rule. He later escaped and made it back to Germany. One of his first trips was to Dulag Luft where he sat in on interrogations.  He was horrified at how superficial, even farcical the interrogations were. He said: 'I would rather be interrogated by half a dozen German inquisitors than 1 RAF expert.'  His recommendations were personally approved by Hermann Goering.

Julian interviews: Dr Gavin Oxburgh, at the University of Teeside, UK who is  an international expert on police questioning.

Ali Soufan, an FBI special agent and author of 'The Black Banners.'

Claudius Scharff, Hanns son, who tells us about trips to the zoo and shows us a fascinating 'visitor's book' Hanns got the POW's to sign.





The murder of a Russian spy. Death by Polonium.

From KSFR | Part of the Here And There with Dave Marash series | 52:00

A top Russian spy defects to Britain and starts blowing the whistle on Putin’s FSB… Until he falls deathly ill, and only post-mortem is it established he was murdered with radioactive Polonium. RAND Corporation analyst Daniel Gerstein unravels the killing and its implications.

Here_and_there_with_dave_marash_small A top Russian spy defects to Britain and starts blowing the whistle on Putin’s security service, the FSB.  Then, Aleksandr Litvinenko starts and selling to government organizations and private companies information about other spies, and Russian military officers and civilians trying to do business in the United Kingdom.  Until he suddenly falls deathly ill, and only post-mortem, is it established he was murdered with radioactive Polonium, almost certainly from Russia, without love.  RAND Corporation analyst Daniel Gerstein unravels the killing and its implications for America’s national security.

Interview with Richard Gage, AIA, Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

From Doug Bennett | Part of the Unspun: An Experiment in Truth-Telling series | 58:54

Unspun talks with Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth about the "Official Story".

Richardgage_small Unspun talks with Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth about the "Official Story".  We look at the evidence of controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Center.   How can a highrise structure collapse from fire?  Why is there thermite residue in the dust of the towers?  How can it happen?   Why do we believe the "Official Story? "  Lots of interesting information from a knowledgeable professional.