Big Picture Science

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Big Picture Science is a one-hour radio show and podcast that connects ideas in surprising and humorous ways to illuminate the origins, the behavior, and the future of life—and  technology—on Earth.

What came before the Big Bang?  How does the brain work? Will our descendents be human or machine?  What’s the origin of humor?  We ponder these questions daily... and expound on them weekly.

But, wait!  There’s more!

Are you a doubting Thomas?  Good.  Join us as we separate science from pseudoscience—and facts from the phony—in Skeptic Check, our monthly episode devoted to critical thinking.

Whether it’s astrology, Bigfoot, or just the incessant onslaught of UFOs, we take it all on, wielding the skeptical scalpel of solid science.

It’s Skeptic Check... but don’t take our word for it!





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334 Pieces

Big Picture Science is a weekly one-hour science magazine that connects ideas in surprising and humorous ways to illuminate the origins and evolution of life and technology on this planet… and beyond.


Caption: DIY Spaceflight, Credit: Seth Shostak
How the geeky son of immigrant parents incentivized construction of the first private spaceship and kick started the commercial launch industry. A...

Bought by WMUU-LP, CHSR-FM 97.9, Royalton Community Radio, KBBI Alaska, KUER and more

  • Added: Jan 22, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 12
Caption: Are Animals Really That Smart?, Credit: Seth Shostak
Find out how housecats manage to wrap their owners around their paws, and primatologist Frans de Waal on the surprising smarts of chimps, elephants...

Bought by WMUU-LP, CHSR-FM 97.9, WUFT, KAZU Seaside, Calif., KTSW 89.9 and more

  • Added: Jan 08, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 19
Caption: Weather Vain, Credit: Seth Shostak
History is replete with attempts to control the weather, but we’d settle for an accurate, seven-day forecast. Find out how sophisticated technolog...

Bought by WMUU-LP, WMUU-LP, Cove Mountain Educational Broadcasting, CHSR-FM 97.9, Royalton Community Radio and more

  • Added: Jan 01, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 21
Caption: DIY Diagnosis, Credit: Seth Shostak
You can use your DNA to explore your genetic health – but are you ready for what you might find when your genome is sequenced? Plus, practitioners...

Bought by WMUU-LP, CHSR-FM 97.9, WMUU-LP, Royalton Community Radio, KBBI Alaska and more

  • Added: Dec 25, 2017
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 16
Caption: With All Our Mites, Credit: Seth Shostak
You can’t see ‘em, but your face is a festival of face mites. And a new study finds that hundreds of different tiny spiders, beetles, make your ho...

Bought by KBBI Alaska, WMUU-LP, WRGY, KUNM, WRST-FM Oshkosh and more

  • Added: Dec 11, 2017
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Nibiru! (Again!), Credit: Seth Shostak
Some people are predicting a world-ending collision between Earth and planet Nibiru on November 19. But it won’t happen, because this hypothesized...

Bought by WTJU, WMUU-LP, KBBI Alaska, RadioFreePalmer, and WRGY

  • Added: Nov 13, 2017
  • Length: 54:30
  • Purchases: 5
Caption: On Defense, Credit: Seth Shostak
The military is a dangerous calling, but researchers are trying to make it safer for troops. Writer Mary Roach investigates how scientists work to...

Bought by KUNM, WRST-FM Oshkosh, WTJU, RadioFreePalmer, WMUU-LP and more

  • Added: Oct 09, 2017
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 15
Caption: Skeptic Check: Aliens - The Evidence, Credit: Seth Shostak
In the new film, Arrival, extraterrestrials once again pay Earth a visit. But many believe the aliens are already here. How good is the evidence?...

Bought by KTRT RADIO INC, WTJU, WRST-FM Oshkosh, WMUU-LP, KMRE-LP Bellingham, Wash. and more

  • Added: Sep 25, 2017
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Born Legacy, Credit: Seth Shostak
We know how the stars shine, but how do you make a star? We take an all-night ride on SOFIA, a high-flying observatory, to watch astronomers inves...

Bought by WTJU, CHSR-FM 97.9, WRST-FM Oshkosh, KTSW 89.9, WMUU-LP and more

  • Added: Sep 04, 2017
  • Length: 54:30
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Elements Never Forget, Credit: Seth Shostak
It’s elementary, Watson. Things are in flux – from the elements in the air you breathe to party balloons. We investigate a massive, historic nit...

Bought by WRST-FM Oshkosh, WTJU, WMUU-LP,, RadioFreePalmer and more

  • Added: Aug 28, 2017
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 14