Big Picture Science

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Big Picture Science is a one-hour radio show and podcast that connects ideas in surprising and humorous ways to illuminate the origins, the behavior, and the future of life—and  technology—on Earth.

What came before the Big Bang?  How does the brain work? Will our descendents be human or machine?  What’s the origin of humor?  We ponder these questions daily... and expound on them weekly.

But, wait!  There’s more!

Are you a doubting Thomas?  Good.  Join us as we separate science from pseudoscience—and facts from the phony—in Skeptic Check, our monthly episode devoted to critical thinking.

Whether it’s astrology, Bigfoot, or just the incessant onslaught of UFOs, we take it all on, wielding the skeptical scalpel of solid science.

It’s Skeptic Check... but don’t take our word for it!





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334 Pieces

Big Picture Science is a weekly one-hour science magazine that connects ideas in surprising and humorous ways to illuminate the origins and evolution of life and technology on this planet… and beyond.


Caption: Plan of a Hack, Credit: Seth Shostak
Before cyber criminals were stealing ATM passwords, phone phreaks were tapping into the telephone system. Today “hacking” can apply to cyberwarfare...

Bought by WMUU-LP, WMUU-LP, CHSR-FM 97.9, KIDE Hoopa Tribal Radio 91.3fm, Cove Mountain Educational Broadcasting and more

  • Added: Sep 03, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 14
Caption: Too Big To Prove, Credit: Seth Shostak
Celebrations are in order for the physicists who won the 2017 Nobel Prize for the detection of gravitational waves. Unfolding over a century, the ...

Bought by WMUU-LP, WMUU-LP, CHSR-FM 97.9, KTSW 89.9, KMXT and more

  • Added: Aug 20, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 15
Caption: What Goes Around, Credit: Seth Shostak
It’s not just tin cans and newspapers. One man says that everything can be recycled – cigarette butts, yoga mats, dirty diapers. Even radioactive...

Bought by WMUU-LP, WMUU-LP, CHSR-FM 97.9, WMRA, Royalton Community Radio and more

  • Added: Jul 09, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 15
Caption: Imagining Planets, Credit: Seth Shostak
Get to know your planetary neighbors. Dive into a mountain lake and trek though the driest desert on Earth with a scientist who’s had not one but ...

Bought by WMUU-LP, CHSR-FM 97.9, Royalton Community Radio, KMRE-LP Bellingham, Wash., KBBI Alaska and more

  • Added: Jun 04, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Time on Your Side, Credit: Seth Shostak
Time passes like an arrow, but what if flew like a boomerang? Find out how scientists are working to reverse time’s most relentless march: aging. ...

Bought by KAZU Seaside, Calif., Royalton Community Radio, KBBI Alaska, KMRE-LP Bellingham, Wash., KCSB-FM and more

  • Added: May 28, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 13
Caption: What Have You Got To Move, Credit: Seth Shostak
The world is an ocean of motion. Animal locomotion is necessary to survive, and evolution has provided a diverse means to do it: fins, feathers, a...

Bought by WMUU-LP, Royalton Community Radio, KCSB-FM, KBBI Alaska, WMUU-LP and more

  • Added: Apr 30, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 14
Caption: Brain Dust, Credit: Seth Shostak
The brain is a hot research topic, but despite all efforts, your grey matter largely remains a black box – an indecipherable web of neurons with a ...

Bought by WMUU-LP, Cove Mountain Educational Broadcasting, CHSR-FM 97.9, Royalton Community Radio, RadioFreePalmer and more

  • Added: Apr 09, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 13
Caption: Skeptic Check: Your Inner Lab Coat, Credit: Seth Shostak
Sherlock Holmes doesn’t have a science degree, yet he thinks rationally like a scientist. You can too! Learn the secrets of being irritatingly lo...

Bought by WVTF, WMUU-LP, WMUU-LP, Cove Mountain Educational Broadcasting, WRST-FM Oshkosh and more

  • Added: Mar 26, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 12
Caption: Quantum: Why We Want 'Em, Credit: Seth Shostak
Today, everything from cell phones to LED lighting depends on the weird behavior described by quantum mechanics. But will this strange physics soo...

Bought by WMUU-LP, WMUU-LP, CHSR-FM 97.9, Royalton Community Radio, KBBI Alaska and more

  • Added: Feb 19, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 14
Caption: New UFO Evidence, Credit: Seth Shostak
It was a shocker of a story, splashed across the New York Times front page: The existence of a five-year long, hidden Pentagon study of UFOs. We c...

Bought by WMUU-LP, Cove Mountain Educational Broadcasting, CHSR-FM 97.9, WRST-FM Oshkosh, Bandon Community Radio and more

  • Added: Jan 29, 2018
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 10