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Playlist: Current Events

Compiled By: Leigh Cooper

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Conversations on Health Care (Series)

Produced by CHC Radio

Most recent piece in this series:

Nurse-Family Partnership

From CHC Radio | Part of the Conversations on Health Care series | 29:00

Nfp_titlecard_small What if we say there’s a way to have healthier pregnancies, improve children’s health and create better economic outcomes? And it all begins with a knock on the door? That’s the way Nurse-Family Partnership works. It’s an evidence-based, community health program with 45 years of research showing significant improvements in the health and lives of first-time moms and their children affected by social and economic inequality. The initiative succeeds by having specially educated nurses regularly visit first-time moms, starting early in the pregnancy and continuing until the child’s second birthday. Research consistently proves that the partnership between a nurse and the mom is a winning combination that makes a measurable, long-term difference for the whole family. Nurse-Family Partnership’s Sharon Sprinkle, co-director of nursing practice, and Jenny Harper, government affairs director, join hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter to discuss its founding, funding and how expectant moms sign up.

Sea Change Radio (Series)

Produced by Alex Wise

Most recent piece in this series:

Paralysis by Pyrolysis: Lisa Song on Plastics Reduction Efforts

From Alex Wise | Part of the Sea Change Radio series | 29:00

Lisasong_small This week on Sea Change Radio we speak to Lisa Song of ProPublica about her recent work spotlighting efforts by the plastics industry to make its fossil fuel-based products seem benign. We examine how plastic recycling falls short in many areas, look at the problems surrounding a relatively new plastic recycling process called pyrolysis, and then discuss her trip to Ottawa, Canada where she attended a UN conference which purported to be plastic-free.

Healthy Medicine (Series)

Produced by Steven Ayres

Most recent piece in this series:

Healthy Medicine #81: Energize Your Life

From Steven Ayres | Part of the Healthy Medicine series | 54:35

Hm-cover_small Stephen Barrie ND is an international lecturer, writer and thought leader on making integrative medicine a valuable part of modern western healthcare. He founded the Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory, co-authored The 7-Day Detox Miracle and Energize Your Life, and has published frequently in medical journals such as The Lancet, Agents and Actions, and Medical Hypothesis. Read more at www.detoxologie.com.

Each week Healthy Medicine brings you an hour of intelligent, incisive professional-to-professional discussion on the many aspects of health and health care today, exploring new ways of looking at health, diagnosis and treatment as well as health-care economics and wellness. Host Dr Robert Zieve MD practices integrative medicine -- combining standard medical techniques with alternative disciplines new and old -- at Pine Tree Clinic in Prescott, Arizona. Read more at the Center for Healthy Medicine website, www.healthymedicine.org.

Living Well Show (Series)

Produced by Donna Descoteaux

Most recent piece in this series:

Lions and Tigers and Hamsters

From Donna Descoteaux | Part of the Living Well Show series | 28:30

Mountain_light_2_small From the time Dr. Goldstein was a little boy—even before he had his first dog—he was fascinated by creatures both domestic and wild. After graduating veterinary school at Cornell University, he became a veterinarian in clinical practice, then director of zoos in Boston and Los Angeles, then head of a progressive humane society where he advocated for animal welfare. During his extraordinary 30-year career, Dr. Mark has accrued a lifetime of experiences working with all sorts of animals and the people who care for them.

Dr. Mark's life with animals taught him more than how to be a great doctor, it taught him how to live life. The stories he shares with us reflect those lessons. Each real-life experience sheds light on the challenges and hard work of the talented individuals who work in the world of animal welfare. These are stories that illustrate the tremendous impact animals have on our daily lives—they are hallmarks of the sacred importance of the human-animal bond.
Dr. Goldstein puts it well - “Caring for animals and their welfare and understanding the value of the human-animal bond is part of what makes up the fabric of a healthy community.”

Global Ethics Forum: Advocates for Ethics in Business (Series)

Produced by Carnegie Council

Most recent piece in this series:

Christoph Lueneburger on Sustainable Practices

From Carnegie Council | Part of the Global Ethics Forum: Advocates for Ethics in Business series | 24:42

Globalethicsforum_logo_bigweb_small Carnegie Council's Advocates for Ethics in Business is a unique series of interviews that includes conversations with business, civil society, and academic leaders. Through their discussions, these leaders share innovative ideas, examine the role of business in society, and address the ethical considerations connected to conducting business globally.