Alex Wise

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  • Username: sweetal009
  • Host/Executive Producer of Sea Change Radio
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent

Recent Pieces from Alex Wise

Caption: Lisa Song

Paralysis by Pyrolysis: Lisa Song on Plastics Reduction Efforts (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

This week on Sea Change Radio we speak to Lisa Song of ProPublica about her recent work spotlighting efforts by the plastics industry to make its fossil fuel-based products ...
Caption: John Stoehr

John Stoehr: Customer Service Politics and the ’24 Presidential Election (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

No matter what your current stance may be on the upcoming presidential election, the past few weeks of debate debacles and failed assassination attempts have definitely ...
Caption: Chesa Boudin

Former San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin, Pt. 2 (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

Gallup poll data show that for the past forty years, majorities of Americans consistently perceive crime to be worse “this year” than the previous year, irrespective of the ...
Caption: Chesa Boudin

Former San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin, Pt. 1 (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

If you look at the data, you'll probably notice that traditional incarceration-focused criminal justice approaches are both extremely expensive and terribly ineffective. But, ...
Caption: Bruce Piasecki

Bruce Piasecki on Climate Competitiveness and Trane Technologies (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

Generally speaking, the exclusive guiding principle for corporate success seems to be making obscene amounts of money. But what if corporations recognized that a truly ...
Caption: Elizabeth Alberts

Warming Sea Temps and Coral Bleaching (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

With summer heat fast-approaching, it's a good reminder that the planet's oceans are warming fast too. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak with Elizabeth Alberts, a ...
Caption: Juan Cole

Juan Cole: Israel, Gaza and Campus Protests, Part II (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

This week on Sea Change Radio, the second half of our discussion with Middle East expert Juan Cole of the University of Michigan. In this episode, we talk about some of the ...
Caption: Juan Cole

Juan Cole: Israel, Gaza and Campus Protests, Part I (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

Pro-Palestinian student protests are erupting on college campuses all over the country, often resulting in aggressive responses from local law enforcement. This week on Sea ...
Caption: Kevin Ortiz

The Journey of Kevin Ortiz: From Punishment to Politics (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

How do you think your life would be different if you had spent your first five years as an adult incarcerated? This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to Kevin Ortiz, a ...
Caption: Daniel Nichanian

Down-Ballot Politics With Daniel Nichanian of Bolts (29:00)
From: Alex Wise

Election season is still a few months away, but the scent of it is already on the wind. There is a lot at stake in the presidential election, of course, but that's not the ...