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Comment on piece: My Bi-(Partisan) Boyfriend**

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Review of My Bi-(Partisan) Boyfriend**

This is a sharp piece. Crisp, witty writing that evokes a lot of imagery. The humor is smart and original (a rarity for political humor) and plays with stereotype without becoming stereotypical.

However, speaking of playing to type...the "our side" references mentioned by another reviewer are a bit troubling, because it could be exclusionary (but not to the point that someone would be offended or not enjoy the piece). It's hard to tell if the writer refers to "our side" as in "her and the listener" (assuming the listener is liberal--a dangerous assumption) or as in (the less troubling) "her and her friends." This is very easy to fix, either by changing the references to "my side" or offering some parameters for what "our side" means early in the piece.

The pacing is a bit fast, and the breathy delivery seems a little forced at times, which makes it feel less personal/conversational and more like a comedy performance. The music bed under the last minute isn't necessary and doesn't feel purposeful, but it isn't distracting or bothersome at all.

Almost any station can use this piece, especially between now and the fall election. It would be a fun and refreshing addition to what, inevitably, will be a long, nasty, and monotonous election season.

Comment on piece: W.T.O. Protesters Reflect on Cancun

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Review of W.T.O. Protesters Reflect on Cancun

This piece provides a behind the scenes look at the WTO protests in Mexico in September 2003, from the perspective of several US protesters; it uses the benefit of hindsight to reflect on the problems and successes associated with the protests and touches on the links made between the disparate groups endure.

This piece could provide some context for the upcoming G8 meeting in Georgia in early June, which is expected to be heavily protested by many anti-global trade groups, and puts a human face, or at least a human voice on the motivations of the protest movement.

Comment on piece: Naked Barbies and Deflated Basketballs: A look inside the world of collectors

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Review of Naked Barbies and Deflated Basketballs: A look inside the world of collectors

I loved this piece!
As a collector of things myself, i always find stories like this a bit frightening... will i end up collecting discarded pieces of rope?
Great sound. The music worked very well, it allowed the age of the collectables and often times the collectors to come through.
nice ending... "the recycling of america" - indeed it is, thanks for a great piece. i would love to hear this on the air.

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Review of Torturing Terrorists (es#57) (deleted)

A plain-speaking and brief discussion of an ethical dilemma, in this case, the torturing of captured "terrorists". This piece might over-simplify things (if all ethical problems could be solved in 2 minutes the world would surely be a better place) but it does address important issues in a simple and easily understood fashion, and allows feedback through a website, and as such encourages a dialogue, a laudable and essential ingredient in developing an ethical life. If this is part of a series, which I believe it is, it could be aired as a regular spot during ME or ATC and make a good addition to those shows.

Comment on piece: Kitty Keeps On Singing

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Review of Kitty Keeps On Singing

This piece is a testament to the sheer will of the human spirit to overcome adversity and move ahead. Wonderful use of the family's recordings interwoven with Kitty's incredible story make this piece an easy "yes". Especially for mother's day. The writing is strong, the editing seamless. Great flow. This piece deserves airtime.

Comment on piece: The Ring and I: The Passion, The Myth, The Mania

Review of The Ring and I: The Passion, The Myth, The Mania

The ideas in the work (and this piece) are so many, and so varied, that they do that job for you. In perhaps in the strongest testament to Wagner's musical genius (or the piece's editing?), the ideas are held tightly together by the promise of the music itself, deftly interwoven through key musical passages. The disparate interviews (talking about Food, Jung, Zeppelin, Incest, Answering Machine Messages) and music work together to give a resounding, if impossible to summarize, answer to that nagging question radio listeners everywhere must ask about a piece: "so what?"

A fast overview of the Ring at the beginning might have been nice -- but probably also impossible. This thing is too big to digest in any less time. And the ending is exactly right. Well worth the hour.

Comment on piece: Naked Barbies and Deflated Basketballs: A look inside the world of collectors

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Review of Naked Barbies and Deflated Basketballs: A look inside the world of collectors

There are 2 kinds of collectors -- those who collect for condition (mint coins, toys in the original unopened package, vinyl records that have never been played) and those who love the energy of objects that have been thoroughly used. This piece is about the latter -- people who love the texture of wear and tear. The topic of collectors is always fresh because it is about passionate and quirky people who have created interesting identities for themselves. This would be great on the air.

Comment on piece: Yo-Yo Ma: In his own words

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Review of Yo-Yo Ma: In his own words

Yo-Yo Ma is possibly the most congenial human being on the planet and it shows on this episode of In Their Own Words. I would urge classical stations in particular to find the three and a half minutes in their otherwise relentless walls of music to drop this in.

Comment on piece: The Zildjian Cymbal Tester

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Review of The Zildjian Cymbal Tester

Who knew that a recording of someone performing quality control would be this much fun to listen to? This story deserves airtime.

Comment on piece: RN Documentary: The Music House

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Review of RN Documentary: The Music House

Lovely, respectful documentary, filled with great sound, interesting information, and vivid details. The producer does an excellent job of weaving the elements into an almost hypnotic portrait of the music house-building project. The Baka live in the dense rain forest and learn to navigate by sound, which makes them a perfect radio subject. Interviews with various Baka, the musicians who are funding the project, and the builder give a strong sense of place and culture. Great range of tape -- everything from the trip ferrying tin into the forest, to Baka voices merging with the birds – engages the ear in a variety of ways. About art, life, honoring ancient ways, and creating community across cultures. An excellent way to spend half an hour. Can be broadcast any season, but feels timely this spring moment as our ears brighten at the sounds of birdsong.

Comment on piece: File Sharing Vox Pop

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Review of File Sharing Vox Pop

A solid , if unexceptional bit of work. A bit more probing questions might have been nice. The interviewer could have played devils advocate, getting into some more of the ethical issues involved. One student justifies his file sharing with the old "everybodys' doing it" excuse. Do they condone looting? How do the students feel about some of the pay-to-download services?

Comment on piece: Confused About Tax Cuts

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Review of Confused About Tax Cuts

Though we’ve just passed tax-paying day, this will remain timely all the way up to president electing-day. It’s a fairly simplistic look at the pros and cons of tax cuts, but by gum, there are lots of folks who just don’t think about what we lose as a society when taxes are cut. Clear statements pro and con from people who spend their lives thinking about economic matters are bracketed by a plain old citizen’s point of view. At 3:38, a good drop-in for an ATC break, or ME.

Comment on piece: Profile of Cpl. Chris Kotch

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Review of Profile of Cpl. Chris Kotch

A brief, intense audio portrait of a moment in young Kotch's life that is almost cinematic in its precise imagery. While we don't know exactly what happened to him, or what the injury was, the sound of his voice tells you something bad happened. It is not a normal sound, this voice he has. To hear him describe his "million dollar wound," (a wound that sends you home) followed by his yearning to return to the war is haunting. His descriptions of his erratic behavior and of his mother's reactions, are powerful and succinct. Very well edited. Already been on ATC, but would work as drop-in on ME, or around any programming about the war, the soldiers, the losses incurred.

Comment on piece: Autumn's Story

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Review of Autumn's Story

Not much production, some background rumble and voices, kinda short and simple. But gosh darn it, this piece stays with you. There's something about a lone person talking intimately into a recorder telling the most personal and difficult story of their lives. Draws you in like no other high tech production can do. This is a successful first person story and I hope that Amy continues producing. It's not easy to be this emotionally engaging and she did a good job....Where to air it? A magazine show that deals in first person diary stuff definitely. Certainly a good piece for stations to air for young people and the parents who love them....Dmae

Comment on piece: The "Laggy" Awards

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Review of The "Laggy" Awards

I laugh just about every time Sharon Glassman opens her mouth. She knows how to write a conversational radio essay and does an even better job performing it. She's not trying to be funny. She just is. Also, she's not on a soapbox. Sharon knows how to give a perspective that resonates well with public radio listeners. In this case, indie and freelance workers (especially those who don't yet know about will identify with her dilemma -- chasing down payments. WFUV didn't produce this essay as we did others, but we will air it!

Comment on piece: Letter from Chicago

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Review of Letter from Chicago

This piece reflects a nice "letter to my mom" feeling. To assuage his mother's concerns "I worry, are you happy?" the producer literally takes his mother on an audio trip of his neighborhood and the people he meets there. Good idea, and great affection. The stories the people tell are more compelling than the connecting narrative. The voices make the piece compelling, but the idea is not quite resolved. Still a nice addition to a Mother's day programming. At 10:41 a bit long for most stations to use.

Comment on piece: Naked Barbies and Deflated Basketballs: A look inside the world of collectors

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Review of Naked Barbies and Deflated Basketballs: A look inside the wo

Well produced man-on-the-street montage piece with many different collectors. You never hear Overton in the piece itself; it's focused solely on the collectors, their collections, and their interactions and thoughts about the hobby. Snippets of jazz give the piece a nice ambiance and break the piece up very well. The pacing is also very well done: first sub-part introduces the collectors in quick succession, second part revists each for a little bit. Fast moving without being too fast, keeps your attention very easily.

There are more than a couple small yet poignant comments by the collectors interviewed which speak to the question of "why collect these things?", as well as the American culture of disposability, of objects as sentimental anchors of memory, and the like.

Quirky yet fascinating slice of life piece with real people. Top notch human interest segment. Deserves to be aired.

Comment on piece: Unexpected Visitors

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Review of Unexpected Visitors

Extremely intimate and engaging piece told mostly in flashback. I get a very strong TAL-style vibe off this piece, which I think is wonderful (indeed, I think this would be spectacular as part of a TAL episode). Length is good too, at just under seven and a half minutes. Would go great with other pieces on communities or groups that, despite their efforts, people cannot join or become a part of. Religious separation is the topic of this particular piece, so it could work as part of a larger montage of similar parts, but it's self-contained and has good core structure that would make it go well with pieces describing other types of group separation and longing for acceptance.

Audio production is well done, my only complaints are on pacing; sometimes Thorsen's words are run together and somewhat indistinct, and on breaking up the three distinct parts of the story (the girls' arrival, Thorsen's flashback of his family and Mormon groups he interacted with, returning to the girls at the door), with slightly longer interludes and possibly additional interstitial music to break these parts up a bit.

This should be aired far and wide. Fantastic story and a fantastic telling.

Comment on piece: Fog of War review

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Review of Fog of War review

A good piece which gives a very personal take on Morris's documentary film. Standout points include the small segue into a specific role McNamara played in South Vietnamese military affairs, and Lam's reflection and interpretation of both McNamara's apology, argument, and Morris's take. Although this could serve as a review of the documentary itself, it seems like it would be better suited in amongst other material on Vietnam, perhaps in the context of reevaluating Vietnam, especially vis a vis the invasion of Iraq. Would go well with other material from Daniel Ellsberg's memoir "Secrets" as a counterpart, perhaps read by a voice actor. Also, it's worth noting "Fog of War" is based on interviews with McNamara, but much is also covered in McNamara's earlier book "In Retrospect".

From an audio standpoint, Lam's voice may be hard for some listeners to parse, but shouldn't pose too much of a problem as his pacing is done very well. Another reviewer mentioned that Lam's status as the son of a South Vietnamese general added some authority; Lam himself does not mention this in the piece, so this would need to be addressed in introduction or closing commentary if that angle is to be a component of the piece.

Very well engineered and very personal. Well done all around.

Comment on piece: Unexpected Visitors

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Review of Unexpected Visitors

Adam's peice, slowly paced & deliberate, depicts the vantage point of an outsider desiring to be accepted within a majority, and the barriers that make this goal difficult. Recalling his own childhood growing up in Idaho, an athiest among Morman peers, he describes his own attempts to fit in; and ultimately, how he discovered that he could not, without becoming Morman himself.

This story resonated strongly with me: I too grew up in Idaho, and just as in this story, recieved a suprise visit from a couple of young Morman missionaries several years after I had moved away from Idaho. As an agnostic, I found the story accurately described what I saw in my own childhood.