All Pieces for Alex Wise

Caption: Megan Milliken Biven
For over a hundred years, American land and waters have been tapped for that dark and viscous substance that has propelled our economy and generate...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Mar 10, 2021
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Tim Dickinson
For many of us, the increasing availability of Covid vaccinations glows brightly, a light at the end of what has been a long and dreary tunnel. For...

Bought by KWMR and Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Mar 02, 2021
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 2
Caption: Alex Gilbert
All eyes have been on the Lone Star State recently, watching the grim and undeniable impact of climate change on a population completely unprepared...

  • Added: Feb 24, 2021
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: Raz
In the 1990s, I recall my grandfather remarking upon the new ubiquity of plastic water bottles, “When did everybody get so thirsty all of a sudden?...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Feb 17, 2021
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Steve Phillips
The new American majority is multiracial, multicultural, and progressive, and our guest today is working to make sure that it also has a powerful v...

  • Added: Feb 02, 2021
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: Derek Walker
Which of the Trump-era environmental transgressions made your heart hurt the most? Was it when they loosened CO2 emission restrictions on power pla...

  • Added: Jan 27, 2021
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: Richard Heinberg
It’s out with the old and in with, if not something completely new, something very different. This week on Sea Change Radio, we mark the end of the...

  • Added: Jan 20, 2021
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: Jim Furnish
According to the State of Alaska website, the state’s name derives from the Aleut alyeska, meaning “great land.” Today on Sea Change Radio we talk ...

  • Added: Jan 13, 2021
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: Joe Brewer
For environmentalists “agriculture” can be something of a dirty word, associated with other words such as, pesticides, water consumption, pollutant...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Dec 16, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Lloyd Alter
2020 has certainly been a strange year. Everyone is waiting for things to go “back to normal” but what will normal be? Will there be any adaptation...

Bought by KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio

  • Added: Dec 09, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Rich Delaney
As the author of “Jaws,” Peter Benchley, put it, “You could start now, and spend another forty years learning about the sea without running out of ...

Bought by KGUA

  • Added: Nov 24, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Rebecca Leber
The New York Times recently compiled a list of 104 environmental protections that the Trump administration has rolled back in four short years — th...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Nov 11, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Dan Dicker
In the words of the late US Senator Everett Dirksen, “the oil can is mightier than the sword.” Whether it is mightier than the COVID-19 virus remai...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Oct 07, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Scott Landes
With record-setting wildfires blanketing large swaths of the Western United States in smoke, we thought it appropriate to speak to someone who know...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Sep 08, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Jeremy Hance
These dark and troubling times have left very few of us stress and anxiety free. So we thought we'd check in with an expert on germophobia and anxi...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Aug 25, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Paul Wheaton
As you’re spending more time at home, and hanging out in the back yard or porch more than usual, are you noticing an urge to plant things? Apparent...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Jul 15, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Paul Wheaton
Many of us are spending a whole lot more time at home these days, and are consequently knee-deep in a bunch of home improvement projects. A great a...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Jul 15, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Castle Redmond
In his book "Lies My Teacher Told Me," James Loewen writes that "race is the sharpest and deepest division in American life." We recognize the peac...

  • Added: Jun 16, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: Maurice Plaines
This has been a difficult stretch for the country with millions sick, out of work, or simply stuck at home. But the horrific murder of George Floyd...

  • Added: Jun 09, 2020
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: Megan Biven
Some of Louisiana’s best buffers against the storms that lash its coast annually are the little spits of land in the Gulf of Mexico — they slow dow...

  • Added: Jun 04, 2020
  • Length: 29:00