This interview with Chickasaw poet Linda Hogan was one of the first that was done for The Gift poetry series. It dropped producer Stanzi Vaubel and curator Rachel Webster ...
Kate Daniels describes herself “as a poet who has always been interested in what could not or should not be said.” Here, she talks about the truth of motherhood – its ...
At the beginning of The Gift series, Rachel Jamison Webster sent this email to series producer Stanzi Vaubel: "Stanzi, I would like you to contact a student of mine, ...
If we are always changing, how do we enter into relation with another person? How do we evolve with someone else, instead of away from them? Jay Ponteri, author of the ...
“I Know Why I Make the Past a Destination,” Rachel begins, reminding us of the mystery of time – how sometimes we can “almost, but not quite, remember the future,” how we can ...
Imagination is the seed of empathy – a centrally important function – and both the gift and burden of the writer. Here The Gift series producer Stanzi Vaubel talks to poet ...
Do we really understand metaphor? How much do we really engage with our world metaphorically? We all have days when a cup is just a cup, a tree is just a tree, the sky is ...
In an interview with The Gift series producer Stanzi Vaubel, writer Lois Lowry talked about memory. In her novel, The Giver, one person holds the memories for the entire ...
Chicago is home to many organizations that help young people to express themsleves, including Young Chicago Authors, After School Matters, Street-Level Youth Media, Free ...
“When I first read Joy Harjo's poetry it was like stepping outside of my own story, my own life which narrates and puts me at the center of every experience,” writes Stanzi ...