Claire Schoen

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  • Username: ClaireSchoen
  • Independent Producer
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent


Caption: Robert King Wilkerson spent 29 years in solitary confinement., Credit: Terry Foss

SURVIVORS: Solitary Confinement in America's Prisons (29:00)
From: Claire Schoen

In this half-hour radio documentary, "survivors" of solitary confinement paint a picture of what it looks, sounds and feels like to live for years - and even decades - in ...
Caption: Robert King Wilkerson spent 29 years in solitary confinement., Credit: Terry Foss

SURVIVORS: Solitary Confinement in America's Prisons (29:00)
From: Claire Schoen

In this half-hour radio documentary, "survivors" of solitary confinement paint a picture of what it looks, sounds and feels like to live for years - and even decades - in ...
Caption: Rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions threaten the nation's coastal towns, Credit: Jan Sturmann

RISE: Part I Sounding the Waters (59:00)
From: Claire Schoen

The San Francisco Bay is a place of beauty and biological diversity. But sea level rise and extreme weather will change human life along its coastline — from San Francisco's ...
Caption: Rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions threaten the nation's coastal towns, Credit: Jan Sturmann

RISE: Part I Sounding the Waters (59:00)
From: Claire Schoen

The San Francisco Bay is a place of beauty and biological diversity. But sea level rise and extreme weather will change human life along its coastline — from San Francisco's ...
Caption: Steve Mello is a farmer on Tyler Island in the San Francisco Bay Delta, Credit: Jan Sturmann

RISE: Part II Facing the Rising Tide (59:00)
From: Claire Schoen

Rising waters threaten the lands of a farmer and of a developer, yet they and their families dismiss all warnings of danger. Why are so many of us unwilling to face this issue?