marc cuniberti

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  • Username: moneymatters
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Station-Based

Recent Pieces from marc cuniberti

Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2032 Housing and Santa Cruz (04:27)
From: marc cuniberti

Housing problems is detailed with Santa Cruz Ca as an example
Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2031 Something does not add up What is wrong with markets today (04:28)
From: marc cuniberti

Something may be terribly wrong in the markets GREAT NEWS PIECE
Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2030 More on Crypto (04:57)
From: marc cuniberti

More on Crypto news Money Matters classic
Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2029 Economic and market update (04:47)
From: marc cuniberti

The latest in market news
Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2028 Scams (04:56)
From: marc cuniberti

scams are everywhere news piece
Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2027 The Real Cause of Inflation (05:53)
From: marc cuniberti

News cast What is the real cause of inflation ?
Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2026 Student Debt Relief (04:38)
From: marc cuniberti

Student debt relief programs are detailed
Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2025 How to start a business and finding Mentors to advise you (05:06)
From: marc cuniberti

News Cast starting a business? Find a mentor and who NOT to listen to!
Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2024 Bridges Ships Accidents and Inflation (04:30)
From: marc cuniberti

Ships hit bridges and inflation rages How does it all interact>? News Cast
Caption: Money Matters host Marc Cuniberti

#2023 Presidential Effects on Markets (04:10)
From: marc cuniberti

How do elections affect Markets A history and explanation NEWS CAST