Matt Larson

User image
  • Username: mateotambien
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent


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Two women, a Frenchman, and Seth Rogen walk into a bank (21:18)
From: Matt Larson

A piece about the genetics and marketing behind sperm donation
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Mundane superpowers (10:43)
From: Matt Larson

Everyone has a mundane superpower. It's just a question of digging deep and finding your inner superhero.
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Once upon a unicycle (22:46)
From: Matt Larson

A group of 4th and 5th graders prove themselves on the basketball court. On unicycles.
Caption: Bench Curl, Credit: Scott Oliver

Dump start (14:21)
From: Matt Larson

We explore the San Francisco Dump and discover what working artists, a falconer, and school children already know: trash can be just the beginning.
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How to catch a lab rat (21:59)
From: Matt Larson

A real-life story of scientific fraud