PRX - Pieces for Topic: International

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148 results

Caption: Prosthetic leg donated by broken hearted soldier, Credit: The Museum of Broken Relationships
When Paul Simon outlined "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" 35 years ago, it turns out he missed a few. There are well over 400, in fact, as bagged, tag...

Bought by KAWC / Border Radio - KOFA, New Hampshire Public Radio, WRVO Public Media, KFAI Minneapolis, KUT and more

  • Added: Dec 13, 2010
  • Length: 04:30
  • Purchases: 9
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With scant regard for consequences, Guido and three pals decided they absolutely had to be in Washington DC by Saturday.

Bought by WTIP

  • Added: Aug 16, 2010
  • Length: 04:03
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Sixty Slices of Life ... on Wry, Credit: Brittany Jencks
In 1962 France was years ahead of the U.S. in ecological awareness and energy conservation, before the word "ecology" was even used in either count...

  • Added: Jul 19, 2010
  • Length: 05:34
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For the first time in KVSC's 43-year history, a live international broadcast is coming to you from the Winnipeg Folk Festival. With help from the M...

  • Added: Jul 09, 2010
  • Length: 55:29
Caption: Sixty Slices of Life ... on Wry, Credit: Brittany Jencks
Fred Flaxman's tongue-in-cheek memoir, "Sixty Slices of Life ... on Wry," concludes when the author discovers he's an old man on a subway in Paris.

Bought by KUT

  • Added: Jul 03, 2010
  • Length: 02:04
  • Purchases: 1
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What's Donald Duck got to do with a Swedish Christmas?

Bought by KMXT, KRZA, KUER, KCMJ Community Radio, KZYX and more

  • Added: May 05, 2010
  • Length: 02:56
  • Purchases: 14
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Today, the Global Guru ventures into the Viking's culinary history by looking at the delicacy known as hakarl -- or rotten shark.

Bought by WABE, HCC Radio The Dragon, WTIP, and PRX Remix

  • Added: Apr 13, 2010
  • Length: 02:50
  • Purchases: 4
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This week the Global Guru risks life and limb to learn how to track Tasmanian devils in the wild.

Bought by HCC Radio The Dragon, WTIP, and PRX Remix

  • Added: Mar 08, 2010
  • Length: 02:32
  • Purchases: 3
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This week we go to Latin America where we learn what all bas reliefs have in common, and what that can tell us about our social order.

Bought by HCC Radio The Dragon and PRX Remix

  • Added: Mar 07, 2010
  • Length: 02:43
  • Purchases: 2
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Chris Neill appearing in two classic UK comedy shows

  • Added: Oct 28, 2009
  • Length: 05:54
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Chris Neill disputes the idea that knowing your neighbours is necessarily a good thing.

  • Added: Oct 28, 2009
  • Length: 02:52
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Writer Kelsey Timmerman and his brother were on a trip to Honduras and enjoying the jungle, the hammock, and the river that flowed right by their b...

Bought by HCC Radio The Dragon

  • Added: Apr 17, 2009
  • Length: 02:25
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
An indepth special on Zimbabwe's collapse with the voices of a wide range of Zimbabweans about their hopes in the wake of the establishment of the ...

Bought by KWIT

  • Added: Mar 19, 2009
  • Length: 53:29
  • Purchases: 1
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From "Pen to Paper" (March 13, 2009): War News Radio goes looking for comedy in Iraq, and finds out what makes a good Iraqi joke.

  • Added: Mar 12, 2009
  • Length: 03:06
Caption: Moises Tiana during a clown performance in Pisco, Peru, Credit: Roberto "Bear" Guerra
A troupe of Spanish clowns visited Pisco, Peru, after a devastating earthquake. They were followed around by children, doctors and psychologists.

  • Added: Jan 13, 2009
  • Length: 03:46
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David adds to our economic problems by visiting the local shopping center.

  • Added: Jan 28, 2008
  • Length: 03:48
Caption: PRX default Piece image
It's a most peculiuar experience, spending the Fourth of July in that Canadian territory settled by pro-British "Loyalists" who fled the U.S. afte...

Bought by KFOK-LPFM, RadioFreePalmer, Marfa Public Radio, and KUNV

  • Added: Jun 11, 2007
  • Length: 03:14
  • Purchases: 4
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Whatever happened to name rank and serial number?

  • Added: May 05, 2007
  • Length: 01:55
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A proper provincial capital poops in the ocean -- but for how long?

  • Added: Apr 09, 2007
  • Length: 06:16
Caption: PRX default Piece image
A humorous look at how the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico might be decorated to make it politically and culturally acceptable.? Perfect f...

Bought by KRCC-FM

  • Added: Feb 06, 2007
  • Length: 02:37
  • Purchases: 1
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Michael, a fisherman's gilly in the County Mayo, uses all his wits to get a rare pelt.

  • Added: Jul 07, 2006
  • Length: 04:08
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Michael, a fishing scout from the west of Ireland, tried to preserve the memory of his fighting dog, but with surprising consequences.

  • Added: Jul 06, 2006
  • Length: 02:20
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A celebrated Dublin surgeon learns how to diagnose the DTs (the Delirium Tremors) from a local scout.

  • Added: Jul 05, 2006
  • Length: 02:57
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The privations of war lead to a surprising night on the town for a Dublin doctor.

  • Added: Jun 29, 2006
  • Length: 08:25
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Michael, a fisherman's gilly in the County Mayo, discovers there's more than one way to skin a horse!

  • Added: Jun 26, 2006
  • Length: 09:07