PRX - Pieces for Topic: International

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670 results

Caption: The Brain of a Sociopath
Narcissists and Sociopaths have always been among us and yet recent research brings us new understanding of just what these serious emotional disab...

  • Added: Apr 25, 2011
  • Length: 47:10
Caption: Istanbul, Credit: Anton Foek
In Nederland willen we eerlijk en open met elkaar omgaan. Maar als het aan het Openbaar Ministerie ligt wordt daar grof en oneerlijk onderscheid i...

  • Added: Apr 12, 2011
  • Length: 07:14
Caption: The Pentagon is building a $12 million tent city at the site of a once proposed $125 million or more military compound for staging war crimes trials at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, Credit: Department of Defense
News and features from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • Added: Apr 08, 2011
  • Length: 29:00
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In Tunisia, the Jasmine Revolution showed the vulnerability of unpopular and anti-democratic regimes. Should the West support authoritarian regimes...

  • Added: Feb 28, 2011
  • Length: 02:00
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The annual announcement from the Eurasia Group of top global risks is here. Do you agree with their choice of fundamental issues for 2011?

  • Added: Feb 28, 2011
  • Length: 02:00
Caption: Afghan National Army soldiers watch during the Combined Security Transition Command., Credit: Wikipedia
News and features on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • Added: Feb 04, 2011
  • Length: 28:59
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On-the ground interview from Monday Jan. 31st 2011 with CLP correspondent Nathaniel Greenberg, currently based in Cairo.

  • Added: Jan 31, 2011
  • Length: 02:38
Caption: Protests in Egypt, Credit: Common Language Project
On-the ground interview from Friday Jan. 28th with CLP correspondent Nathaniel Greenberg, currently based in Cairo.

  • Added: Jan 28, 2011
  • Length: 04:26
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Sasha Abramsky, a California-based journalist and author, explains why the recent measure to legalize marijuana in California, which polls showed m...

  • Added: Jan 26, 2011
  • Length: 38:22
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We're talking with the Pakistani journalist Najam Sethi and the fictionist Daniyal Mueenuddin. With both the underlying supposition is that it's Pa...

Bought by WCAI / WNAN Cape & Islands, Mass. and KXOT Public Radio

  • Added: Jan 20, 2011
  • Length: 58:56
  • Purchases: 2
Piece image
2 November 2010: This month's podcast features an interview with Mohamed Jalloh, Crisis Group's West Africa Analyst about the violence in Guinea an...

  • Added: Nov 05, 2010
  • Length: 06:39
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Four months after violence against immigrants, Kyrgyzstan is forming a new government. How will this contribute to stability? Crisis Group’s Centr...

  • Added: Nov 02, 2010
  • Length: 03:33
Caption: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange speaks on the July 2010 release of the Afghanistan War logs, Credit: NowPublic
News and features on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • Added: Oct 29, 2010
  • Length: 29:00
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Perhaps the most important element in the formation of Iraq's government is the future of the security forces. Where do they stand, seven years aft...

  • Added: Oct 26, 2010
  • Length: 03:01
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The Lord's Resistance Army continues to pose a terrible threat to civilians across Central Africa. Crisis Group’s Central Africa Analyst Edward Dal...

  • Added: Oct 18, 2010
  • Length: 02:59
Caption: PRX default Piece image
From "Uploading the War" (7/16/10): War News Radio reports on a refugee who fled Afghanistan and is currently residing in Norway.

  • Added: Jul 16, 2010
  • Length: 07:26
Caption: US soldiers in Afghanistan watch movies on their laptops., Credit: Reuters.
News and features on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • Added: Jul 02, 2010
  • Length: 29:01
Caption: Iraqi president Jalal Talabani speaking to the press., Credit: Associated Press
News and features on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Bought by KVSC

  • Added: Jun 04, 2010
  • Length: 28:53
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: The Iraqi Student Project aims to get Iraqi students into American colleges and universities., Credit: Photo courtesy of the Associated Press.
News and features on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

  • Added: May 07, 2010
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: Green Gone Wrong cover
Are new methods to help the environment solutions or scams? Independent journalist and author Heather Rogers traveled the globe to get the scoop on...

  • Added: Apr 15, 2010
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: An Iraqi official displays a recovered stolen artifact., Credit: Associated Press
From Guarding Heritage, March 19, 2010: War News Radio reports on a partnership between the military and archaeological experts that works to prote...

Bought by Listenwise

  • Added: Mar 19, 2010
  • Length: 04:45
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: The makers of 'The Hurt Locker'., Credit: Associated Press
News and features on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • Added: Mar 05, 2010
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: The National Museum of Iraq, Credit: Associated Press
News and features on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

  • Added: Jan 01, 2010
  • Length: 29:01
Caption: The aftermath of a car bomb near Al-Rashid Street in 2004., Credit: Photo courtesy of the Associated Press.
News and features on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

  • Added: Nov 13, 2009
  • Length: 29:00
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Monday, November 9 marks the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. KUNC’s Grace Hood sat down with University of Northern Colorado polit...

Bought by

  • Added: Nov 06, 2009
  • Length: 04:29
  • Purchases: 1