PRX - Pieces for Topic: Environment

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679 results

Piece image
Tim and Bob speak with professor Jim Harvey of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratory In Moss Landing California. Jim has spent most of his career stud...

  • Added: Oct 24, 2017
  • Length: 57:27
Caption: John Brittain
The official subject matter of Sea Change Radio is environmental sustainability. This week, however, we are deviating from that to talk about a top...

  • Added: Oct 17, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
Caption: George Monbiot
When you think of the values emblematic of politics in the Occident, does the term “altruism” come to mind? Probably not lately. Our guest today on...

  • Added: Oct 10, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
Caption: Topher White
Do you have a drawer somewhere filled with old cellphones collecting dust? Wouldn’t it be great if there were a way to put those phones to good use...

  • Added: Oct 03, 2017
  • Length: 28:00
Caption: Ole Kaven
While the earth probably won’t shake the next time you turn on your gas stovetop, keep in mind it comes at a cost. This week on Sea Change Radio, w...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Sep 27, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Daphna Nissenbaum
Plastic and prisons: two of America’s most toxic habits. Happily there are people working to create alternatives. This week on Sea Change Radio we ...

  • Added: Sep 20, 2017
  • Length: 29:50
Caption: Aaron Huertas
Disinformation. It sometimes manifests in theatrical shows of ignorance, like Senior Republican Senator James Inhoffe bringing a snowball to the Se...

  • Added: Sep 13, 2017
  • Length: 29:50
Caption: Gilbert Campbell III
Our guest this week on Sea Change Radio, Gilbert Campbell III, the Co-Founder of Volt Energy, is here to remind us that sustainable energy is good,...

  • Added: Sep 05, 2017
  • Length: 29:20
Caption: Dan Kammen
Recently, in response to the 45th president’s shameful mishandling of the incidents in Charlottesville, Virgina, UC Berkeley Energy Professor Danie...

  • Added: Aug 31, 2017
  • Length: 29:59
Caption: Donnel Baird
Compared with new buildings, older buildings tend to eat up a lot more energy and produce and trap a lot more pollution. Whether it’s an old church...

Bought by WMUU-LP

  • Added: Aug 22, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Brendan O'Connor
Between impending nuclear annihilation and the President of the United States seeming to endorse white supremacists, you may have missed the disman...

  • Added: Aug 16, 2017
  • Length: 28:40
Caption: Michael Carolan
Food. It is as necessary as air and water. But the systems around food production and distribution have created a good deal of distance between our...

Bought by WMUU-LP

  • Added: Aug 08, 2017
  • Length: 29:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Mike Markus
What would you say to the idea of drinking a tall, cool glass of wastewater? On the face of it, it sounds, well, yucky. But it turns out you've pro...

  • Added: Aug 03, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
Caption: Scott and Julie Brusaw
What if the roads we drove on, instead of being made of carbon-intensive petroleum sludge, were actually solar panels? And what if whenever electri...

  • Added: Jul 25, 2017
  • Length: 28:30
Caption: Anya Cherneff
In physics, electricity is power. Electricity can also be power, though, in the sense that it creates opportunity for the pursuit of social capital...

Bought by Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: Jul 18, 2017
  • Length: 29:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Amy Harder
Even the most astute followers of the news may have missed that the Trump Administration is touting a series of self-proclaimed focal areas. With c...

  • Added: Jul 11, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
Caption: Nev Hyman
Many people living in Pacific nations, like Vanuatu, Indonesia, and the Philippines, struggle to find adequate shelter, a challenge compounded by t...

  • Added: Jul 02, 2017
  • Length: 30:00
Caption: Barret Werk
“I guess the grass is itself a child, the produced babe of the vegetation.” Perhaps Walt Whitman had this week’s guests on Sea Change Radio in mind...

  • Added: Jun 27, 2017
  • Length: 29:00
Caption: Ted Nordhaus
Are the cries for a complete transition to renewable energy from environmentalists like Bill McKibben actually undermining the work to combat clima...

Bought by 90.1 WFYI Public Radio

  • Added: Jun 21, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Jack Ewing
When a West Virginia University research team won a grant in 2012 to run some tests on diesel cars, they could not have imagined that their relativ...

Bought by 90.1 WFYI Public Radio

  • Added: Jun 14, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: John Wilson
Many sports fans are familiar with this dilemma: do I want my team to put everything on the line to win now or would I prefer that my team take its...

Bought by 90.1 WFYI Public Radio

  • Added: Jun 07, 2017
  • Length: 29:20
  • Purchases: 1
Piece image
As Congress and the Trump Administration roll back environmental protections, some communities are especially harmed. But Professor David Konisky e...

  • Added: Jun 07, 2017
  • Length: 25:59
Caption: Alex Gilbert
It has been a bit difficult to keep up with the news since January. Every few hours it seems like there is a new revelation in the global political...

Bought by 90.1 WFYI Public Radio

  • Added: May 30, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Mark Murray
In 2013 California boasted a recycling rate of 85%. In 2017 that number is now 79% - that is the first time it has dipped below 80% since 2008. Why...

Bought by WMUU-LP, 90.1 WFYI Public Radio, and Yellowstone Public Radio

  • Added: May 23, 2017
  • Length: 29:40
  • Purchases: 3
Caption: Davida Herzl
Galileo said we should, “Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.” This week on Sea Change Radio, we take a look at two ways...

Bought by WMUU-LP

  • Added: May 16, 2017
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 1