Off the Beat
Series produced by BSR Radio
Alternative news and views from Providence.
6 Pieces
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Off the Beat explores the concept of home! Where do you call home? What makes a home a home? Can you have more than one home? Who are you when you’...
- Added: Jan 17, 2012
- Length: 30:12
Off the Beat explores secret spaces around Providence, including the abandoned underground railroad tunnel, Keeney tunnels, and some less literal p...
- Added: Jan 17, 2012
- Length: 27:47
Off the Beat checks out the local Occupy Providence at Burnside Park. How is “Occupy Providence” distinct from other Occupations? What does OP hope...
- Added: Jan 17, 2012
- Length: 29:31
Off the Beat travels to New York City to investigate the growing Occupy movement. Who are the occupiers? How do international Occupy movements inte...
- Added: Jan 17, 2012
- Length: 27:04
Off the Beat takes a look at the astronomical costs of higher education: Where is the money going? Is it worth paying for? AND FOR GOD’S SAKES, WHA...
- Added: Jan 17, 2012
- Length: 40:58
The Providence based Manton Avenue Project works to train young children in playwriting. The final result of the project is a full-fledged play pe...
- Added: Dec 28, 2010
- Length: 07:49