Planet Warning
Series produced by Judy Lubow
Two-minute analyses of the serious environmental, economic and social crises facing the world and the US, with analogy made to the catastrophic attack on Pearl Harbor. Pieces are embedded in World War II music and audio recordings.
Each piece in this series, produced regularly every-other week, comments on an indvidual crisis facing the world or the US, such as ocean acidification, crash of global fishstocks, loss of US manufacturing jobs, etc.
Each piece is embedded in World War II music and audio recordings to drive home the seriousness of the crisis.
32 Pieces
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A report by leading international scientists concludes that human activities are causing a much more rapid deterioration of the ocean than previous...
- Added: Jul 05, 2011
- Length: 02:00
The gargantuan Three Gorges Dam over the Yangtze River in China is the largest hydroelectric project in the world and is a poster child for China's...
- Added: Jun 22, 2011
- Length: 02:00
For reasons yet unknown, more and more Americans each year have been contracting asthma. In spite of the fact that 17% of black children now have...
- Added: May 26, 2011
- Length: 02:00
The UN has revised upwards its estimate of future population growth. The new medium variant for world population by the end of this century is 10....
- Added: May 11, 2011
- Length: 02:00
As more is revealed about the Federal Reserve's trillion dollar bailout of the financial system, the more scandalous it appears. Listen for so...
- Added: Apr 27, 2011
- Length: 02:00
Large international and US banks are financing the drug killings in Mexico by laundering billions of dollars in illicit drug money. Some banks a...
- Added: Apr 12, 2011
- Length: 02:00
The tragic environmental and nuclear catastrophe in Japan is not the only example of world leaders ignoring obvious perils. The catastrophic effec...
- Added: Mar 29, 2011
- Length: 02:01
The President promised effective relief from struggling home owners, but his foreclosure prevention program has never gotten off the ground.
- Added: Mar 17, 2011
- Length: 02:00
Rachel Carson would not be happy to see how pervasive the endocrine disrupter BPA has become, and the deleterious effects it is having on our health.
- Added: Mar 02, 2011
- Length: 02:00
The Great Recession officially ended in Jun 2009 but the American workforce is still suffering from its traumatic effects.
- Added: Feb 16, 2011
- Length: 02:00
A little-known crisis is brewing: by seizing Tibet, China has gained control of the headwaters of rivers serving the water needs of almost half...
- Added: Feb 01, 2011
- Length: 02:00
The first election after the infamous Citizens United Supreme Court decision reveals the money-drenched look of elections to come.
- Added: Jan 18, 2011
- Length: 02:00
Scientists have discovered that deep ocean waters near Antarctica have been heating up. Learn about the consequences now and for the future.
- Added: Jan 06, 2011
- Length: 01:59
As the Federal Reserve finally reveals secrets of its massive, trillion-dollar bailout of the world's financial system, it's time to ask if the Fed...
- Added: Dec 21, 2010
- Length: 02:00
Coral reefs are the "canary in the coal mine" for the oceans, and they are not doing well.
- Added: Dec 13, 2010
- Length: 01:59
Steve Rattner - Wall Street success story and Obama's wonder-boy auto czar - is now also a poster child for Wall Street corruption.
- Added: Nov 23, 2010
- Length: 02:00
Although the World Bank wants to be thought of as green, figures reveal that the Bank is flooding the third world with fossil fuel energy projects.
- Added: Nov 11, 2010
- Length: 02:00
As the rainforest is being depleted, two new areas of concern arise.
- Added: Oct 30, 2010
- Length: 02:00
A stand-alone segment of the Planet Warning Series. Reports on the jobless "recovery" that the US has been moved into from the Great Recession.
- Added: Oct 13, 2010
- Length: 02:00
Statistics demonstrate the decline of the middle class, and that the problem is a long term one.
- Added: Sep 20, 2010
- Length: 01:59