Featured PRX Members

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Judy Carmichael

What inspires the people who inspire you? How do creative people create? World-renowned jazz pianist Judy Carmichael explores these questions with her guests every week on ...
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Sean Hickey

With a background in commercial radio production and on-air, all Sean ever wanted to do was play country music on the wireless. The roots of his love for country music, ...
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Daniel Wargo

I am an independent radio programmer and have been creating several series of programs for PRX since 2006... "The Stone Age" explores electric music as it changed from ...
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Chris Heim

Chris Heim - Producer/Announcer Chicago native Chris Heim began a lifelong love affair with radio after wandering into her campus station at the University of Chicago and ...
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Richard J. Dalton

I work for "Cafe Chill", Public Radio’s weekly curated downtempo mix. Interested in running the program? Go to http://knhcproductions.org
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Vivian Dillon Nesbitt

After a hiatus from the virtual hallowed halls of PRX, Art of the Song Creativity Radio is back with programming that invites listeners to discover the nature of creative ...
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Guy Rathbun

I began my career in broadcasting as a field reporter for a commercial radio station in 1975, and appointed to News Director four years later. During that time I volunteered ...