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Playlist: Youth Beat Radio's Portfolio

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Youth Narratives

Pieces written, recorded, and produced by youth. Please listen and share!

Heart in the Holler

From Youth Beat Radio | 04:33

Rachel Jordan, a student at Penn State University, tells her story of reconciling her desire to obtain financial freedom, while maintaining her cultural and familial ties in Southern Ohio.

Appalachia_1fromtravelchannel_small Rachel Jordan, a student at Penn State University, tells her story of reconciling her desire to obtain financial freedom, while maintaining her cultural and familial ties in Southern Ohio.

Triple Dog Dare You!

From Youth Beat Radio | 03:44

Madison Lyons, a St. Francis DeSales High School student, talks about how an embarrassing family pastime becomes a point of connection.

A-christmas-story_small Madison Lyons, a St. Francis DeSales High School student, talks about how an embarrassing family pastime becomes a point of connection.