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Playlist: Spring 2024 Fundraising Episodes and Spots

Compiled By: PRX


This is a playlist with spring 2024 fundraising episodes and spots

PRX Anytime Fundraising Materials (Series)

Produced by PRX Specials

Pieces from PRX producers that can be aired anytime during your on-air fundraising.

Most recent piece in this series:

Living on Earth Anytime Spots 2024

From PRX Specials | Part of the PRX Anytime Fundraising Materials series | 03:31


These are anytime spots from Living on Earth designed to be used during any programs during pledge drive. You may also consider using them as local podcast midrolls with station tags.

Hi, it’s Steve Curwood from Living on Earth, and I am so glad you are listening right now. That’s because without you and the other folks tuned in we can’t convene the community we call public radio to inform, delight and surprise each other. And the talent and energy that every day makes the programs you appreciate on this station need your help. So if you have made a donation in the past, thank you and right now, consider if it is time again to make another to keep this station rolling. And if you have never contributed before, today is a perfect day to begin! Please be as generous as you can. Thank you! and here’s someone to tell you more. (0:40)

Hi, this is Steve Curwood, host of Living on Earth, and I hope you are enjoying the programs at this spot on your radio dial, because that’s why producers like me get up in the morning. We like to help keep you informed, entertained and connected any time you switch us on. And in exchange we ask for your support. If you’ve donated in the past, thank you, and if it’s not too soon please keep helping with another gift. And if you have never donated, this is a great time to begin. Either way, thank you! and here’s someone to tell you more. (0:33)

Hi, I’m Aynsley O’Neill with Living on Earth. This station is your trusted source for environmental news and analysis. We’re all here to bring you stories that matter. Whether it's battling the climate crisis or protecting the natural world we all share, we work hard every week to bring you the information you need to live your life in a way that fits with your values. But this station can’t do it without your support. Please donate today and help us make a difference too. Thank you. Here’s how. (0:29)

Hello, I'm Aynsley O'Neill, a producer for Living on Earth. We know just how important public radio is to you, whether you're listening on your morning commute or your cross-country road trip. Before the first cup of coffee, after a long day at work, wherever you listen, we're there when you need us. But we need you too. The best way to keep us going is to give. When you make your pledge to the station, you make a difference. Call today and do your part to support the station you love. Thank you and here's how. (0:29)

Hi, I’m Jenni Doering from Living on Earth. Let’s nerd out for just a second. Have you ever actually thought about the magic of radio? The fact that stations like this one can beam a signal from a piece of metal over hundreds of miles. And your car stereo or little emergency radio catches that wave and turns it back into sound that helps you learn new things, travel the world, and maybe best of all, laugh. I think it’s incredible, but the real magic happens when you and the entire community of public radio listeners come together to support this station. You can be a part of that magic. So what are you waiting for? Thank you so much for your support, and here’s how. (0:42)

Hi, I’m Jenni Doering from Living on Earth. I’d always rather be outside than doing the dishes or cleaning the litter box, but you know what? I don’t mind those chores so much when I turn on my trusty radio. No matter what time of day or night, I know I’ll learn something new and interesting. I crave that feeling of mystery about what I’ll hear next, and my guess is you do, too. And I’m just here to remind you that you can help make the public radio magic happen! I’m counting on you to pitch in to support this station so I can keep looking forward to… cleaning the litter box. So, thank you and here’s how to give. (0:38)

March 2024 Fundraiser: Sidewalk Salad: Foraging with Alexis Nikole Nelson

From Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio | Part of the Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio Fundraising series | 37:01

This week, we chat with TikTok star and expert forager Alexis Nikole Nelson about the most delicious weeds in your backyard, the joys of mushroom jerky and her cross-country journey to make seaweed panna cotta.

Msl_radio_logo_cobrand_prx_small This week, we chat with TikTok star and expert forager Alexis Nikole Nelson about the most delicious weeds in your backyard, the joys of mushroom jerky and her cross-country journey to make seaweed panna cotta. Plus, we explore the art and nostalgia of Jell-O molds and J. Kenji López-Alt teaches us what to do when there’s too much lettuce in the house. ***In addition to the fundraising-friendly content, we have a variety of options to support your fundraising efforts, including lots of options for giveaway items, including Milk Street cookbooks, magazines, unique pantry items, cookware, knives, and more. For more information, please email Sean Nesbitt (sean.nesbitt@prx.org) and Caroline Davis (cdavis@177milkstreet.com).***

The Moth Spring 2024 Fundraiser

From The Moth | Part of the The Moth Fundraising Material series | 42:07

A fundraising hour for stations carrying The Moth Radio Hour weekly. In this episode, stories of helping hands and unexpected shows of solidarity. This episode is hosted by Jay Allison, producer of The Moth Radio Hour. Read the full description.

Kimberly_reed_small Dhaya Lakshminarayanan gets entangled in the language of math.

Steve Ettinger's Aunt Ella is reluctant to leave her home during Hurricane Sandy.
Daisy Joy Rodrigo worries that the cultural differences between her and her fiance will prove too much for her parents. 
Kimberly Reed confronts her past, and future, when she is forced to make a trip to her hometown.

Deep Dive - Snap 2024 Spring Fundraiser

From Snap Judgment | Part of the Snap Judgment Fundraisers series | 35:29

A woman visits an island near South Korea to meet a group of grandmothers who free-dive well into their 80s for abalone and octopus. She comes away with an unexpected discovery about motherhood and about herself.

Haenyeos-sq_small A woman visits an island near South Korea to meet a group of grandmothers who free-dive well into their 80s for abalone and octopus. She comes away with an unexpected discovery about motherhood and about herself.

REVEAL Fundraising Special Episode Spring 2024

From Reveal | 41:09

For the 2024 Spring fundraising season, Reveal presents three stories that took us beyond the news headlines of the year.




A Block: Parents Circle  Runtime: 14:21  (plus 1 min music tail) 


B Block: Missouri Birth Control  Runtime: 15:27  (plus 1 min music tail) 


C Block: Q-Anon Mom  Runtime: 8:51 (plus 28s music tail)

Final Break

Suggested pitch language:


Welcome to a special episode of REVEAL from the Center for Investigative Reporting and P-R-X on (STATION). I’m _____ with ______.

Reveal is going to sound a bit different today. The team has pulled together some of their biggest stories about people who have reached out across the political and cultural divide… in search of a way forward on some of the most polarizing issues of our time.   

When you become a member of (STATION), you’re demonstrating your commitment to independent public radio and your appreciation for the kind of in-depth storytelling you get from shows like REVEAL. With every pledge (STATION) receives today, you tell us this type of programming matters to you. (PHONE & WEB)

Your support makes it possible for (STATION) to bring you the programs you listen to every day, programs like ______, ________, and Reveal. (PHONE & WEB)

Thanks for supporting (STATION) and enjoy the next hour of Reveal.

A Block (0:00 - 14:21)

IQ: *music* “From the Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, this is a special pledge drive episode of Reveal. I’m Al Letson.”

OQ @ 14:21

At a time when people define themselves by their differences, it’s important for us to bring you stories of people who are not afraid to go against the grain in search of consensus. You can support our work by giving to this station. Here’s how. 

*followed by 1:00 music tail 



Suggested pitch language:

I’m _________ with _________. You’re listening to REVEAL on (STATION). We’re asking you to make a contribution now to support great investigative journalism. This is our membership drive on (STATION) and we’re reminding you to make a pledge. (PHONE & WEB)

This next story looks at how the fight for abortion rights is turning into a battle over birth control. We’ll go to Missouri where a bipartisan group of women senators intervened to change the language of a bill which was based on misinformation. 

You won’t want to miss a moment of this story or the rest of REVEAL here on (STATION).

Please pick up the phone or go online and contribute now. (PHONE & WEB). Make a contribution to support REVEAL and all of your favorite programs on (STATION), including _______, _______, and __________. (PHONE & WEB)

Let us hear from you right now. And thanks for supporting (STATION) (PHONE & WEB)

B Block (0:00– 15:27)

IQ: *music* “From the Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, this is a special pledge drive episode of Reveal. I’m Al Letson.”

OQ @ 15:27

At Reveal we’re committed to bringing you stories about people spreading misinformation about reproductive rights, and those trying to stop it. You can support our coverage by giving to your public radio station. Here’s how.   

*followed by 1:00 music tail*



Suggested pitch language:

I’m _________ with _________. You’re listening to REVEAL on (STATION). We’re asking you to make a contribution now to support great investigative journalism and sound storytelling. (PHONE & WEB)

REVEAL investigates stories in the public interest. REVEAL holds the powerful accountable and gives voice to the voiceless. That’s what makes REVEAL worth listening to. 

Coming up, with the presidential election months away, we listen in on a conversation between a mother and her son…who have polar opposite views about the results of the 2020 election. 

But before we continue with this story, please become a member of (STATION) right now. (PHONE & WEB) 

(STATION) is bringing you this hour of REVEAL because we know you appreciate in-depth journalism - and facts delivered with flavor. You hear compelling stories every day on (STATION) thanks to listener support. (PHONE & WEB)

Become a member of (STATION) right now. (PHONE & WEB)

C Block (0:00 - 8:52)

 IQ: *music
“From the Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, this is a special pledge drive episode of Reveal. I’m Al Letson. 

OQ @ 8:52

At Reveal, we aim to bring you different points of view – and separate fact from fiction –  in order to better understand the world around us. If you value deep factual reporting and unexpected conversations like the one between Albert and his mom…give to your public radio station. Here’s how!

*followed by 0:28 music tail 


Suggested pitch language:

I’m ________ with ________. It’s (STATION) membership drive and thanks to all of you who support (STATION). All this hour you've been hearing some of the best stories REVEAL has to offer.

Make that call now and enjoy the next hour of radio knowing you’ve done your part to help pay for the programs we all enjoy on (STATION) (PHONE & WEB)

You listen to stories like the one this hour and also the reporting and interviews on (STATION) and you form your own opinions. That’s why you choose (STATION) for news and information.

Supporting (STATION) is also a choice. We’re asking you to consider all the information, entertainment, culture and inspiration you gain from listening and make a pledge right now. (PHONE & WEB)

Final Times: 

38:40 Reveal content (minus music tails) 

21:20 Pitch Time

Spring 2024 This American Life NON PREMIUM Fundraising Episode

From This American Life | Part of the This American Life Fundraising and Generic Promos series | 41:20

A brand new This American Life fundraising for Spring 2024 containing four segments totaling 41:20. It starts with a segment that we hope will really deliver. It does not mention a premium.

Default-piece-image-2 A brand new This American Life fundraising for Spring 2024 containing four segments totaling 41:20. It starts with a segment that we hope will really deliver. It does not mention a premium.

"Spring 2024 Fundraiser" with Aubrey Gordon, Chris Meija, and Danielle Ponder

From Live Wire! Radio | Part of the Fundraising Materials series | 46:01

This episode is a pledge edition of Live Wire that features podcaster Aubrey Gordon, standup comedian Chris Meija, and music from Danielle Ponder.

Live_wire_spr_2024_fr_thumb_small On this special pledge edition of Live Wire Aubrey Gordon discusses how her hit podcast Maintenance Phase debunks the junk science behind nutrition, wellness, and fatness; stand-up comedian Chris Meija gives us an unexpectedly hilarious account of his call to the suicide hotline; and lawyer-turned-powerhouse vocalist Danielle Ponder performs "Only the Lonely" from her newest album Some Of Us Are Brave

Spring 2024 This American Life PREMIUM Fundraising Episode

From This American Life | Part of the This American Life Fundraising and Generic Promos series | 39:56

Use this version to offer our newest premium - This American Life beer glasses and shot glasses ! The show contains 5 segments totaling 39:56.

Default-piece-image-1 Use this version to offer our newest premium - This American Life beer glasses and shot glasses ! The show contains 5 segments totaling 39:56.