Recently Added

January 10th, 2008
Piece image
War News Radio presents the Darfur Radio Project

Bought by KGOU and KXOT Public Radio

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 29:00
  • Purchases: 2
Piece image
Jenenne Whitfield was a banker until she stumbled upon the Heidelberg Project

Bought by KUOW, PRX Remix, and WAMC Northeast Public Radio

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 05:54
  • Purchases: 3
Piece image
Earth & Sky 90-Second Radio Shows Release Date January 14, 2008

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 10:30
Piece image
Learning about race relations in the U.S. from the Oscar-Award winning CRASH.

Bought by New Hampshire Public Radio

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 07:05
  • Purchases: 1
Piece image
Step inside the halls of this expeditionary high school in Portland, Maine

Bought by WMPG

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 30:02
  • Purchases: 1
Piece image
A perfect hour for Valentine's Day! The Comedy-O-Rama Valentine's Special returns!

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 58:47
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Fatuma Roba, 22, from Kibera slum, talks about the violence in Kenya

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 02:40
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Surgical options for breast cancer increase with early detection

Bought by WRST-FM Oshkosh

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 08:16
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
A discussion of advances in oncology options for breast cancer and the role of early detection

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 08:28
Caption: PRX default Piece image
No one should have to go through breast cancer alone. A look at the availability of patient services

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 08:25
Caption: PRX default Piece image
A discussion of advances in mammography and reasons to use it

Bought by WAMC Northeast Public Radio

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 09:17
  • Purchases: 1
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stories, songs and poems about love performed before a live audience

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 59:34
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Discussion of Genetics and Breast Cancer

Bought by 90.5 WSNC

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 09:19
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Susan Sontag and her last novel, "In America." Norman Mailer and his book, "Time of Our Time.

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 54:30
Piece image
Are electromagnetic fields (EMF) hazardous to your health?? Dr. David Carpenter, MD, director of the Institute for Health & the Environment at the ...

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 28:34
Piece image
A perfect piece for Valentine's Day! The true story of how Joe Bevilacqua met his wife because of Graham Nash's laptop

Bought by KUT and Public Interactive

  • Added: Jan 10, 2008
  • Length: 10:07
  • Purchases: 2
January 9th, 2008
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Ron Paul gives his concession speech in Concord after finishing fifth in the 2008 New Hampshire primary.

  • Added: Jan 09, 2008
  • Length: 39:28
Caption: PRX default Piece image
John Edwards gives his concession speech in Manchester after finishing third in the 2008 New Hampshire primary.

  • Added: Jan 09, 2008
  • Length: 06:01
Caption: PRX default Piece image
John McCain gives his victory speech in Nashua after winning the 2008 New Hampshire primary.

  • Added: Jan 09, 2008
  • Length: 14:31
Caption: PRX default Piece image
Hillary Clinton gives her victory speech in Nashua after winning the 2008 New Hampshire primary.

Bought by WAMC Northeast Public Radio, KVNF, WSKG, and American Public Media

  • Added: Jan 09, 2008
  • Length: 14:18
  • Purchases: 4