Comments for Uncharted Waters

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Produced by Sophie Logan, Patrick Saylor, Noymi Wu, Santa Inoue, and Lauri Alvarez

Other pieces by Littleglobe

Summary: Students from United World College's Global Leadership forum tell personal stories about the risk and rewards of venturing into "Uncharted Waters."

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'Uncharted Waters' - thoughtful insights about the unknowns of our lives

“Uncharted Waters” is a compilation of the stories of five individuals and how they’ve dealt with the unknowns – or uncharted waters – of their lives. With poignant insights, this piece shines light on how the unknowns of our lives are not separate from what we do know. While I was inspired by the reflections in the piece, I also found myself wanting more details about the stories that lead to these honest insights. The lyrical style of this piece mirrors the thoughtfulness of what is being said, however simpler language would have allowed for less ambiguity and more detail in some places.
This said, the weaving of the piece complements its content very well. The first few seconds of water lapping against a shore creates a scene and sets up a fluid, contemplative mood. The music used throughout the piece helps in guiding the listener by keeping the mood steady and then rising to a sort of uplifting climax toward the end. The creative narrative about a sailor sailing through uncharted waters acts as a glue that brings the 5 stories in this piece together.
This piece would be appropriate for any show looking for a creative piece, or any show covering the unknowns of our lives, or just looking for something inspirational.
Towards the end of ‘Uncharted Waters’ one speaker says that we are not alone in our struggle. The multiplicity of voices and stories in this piece most certainly send a reassuring message, that we most certainly aren't alone on our journey across the unknown.