"When you're born, they call you a lighty, and it's praised." RadioActive Youth Producers Ahlaam Ibraahim and Esa Tilija explore the world of colorism. They interview fellow ...
In the May 2015 edition of the RadioActive podcast, youth producers are looking at the issues on the minds of many Seattleites. We’ll hear about standardized testing in the ...
RadioActive is back with a monthly podcast! This month, hosts Tatevik Aprikyan and Kendrick Bradley take us from Seattle to Japan. Kamna Shastri reports on the traditions ...
Hosts Kamna Shastri and Meron Fikru share their personal stories. Kamna speaks about the park from her childhood, and Meron talks about the business competition that left her ...
Today, hosts Meron Fikru and Kamna Shastri share stories about stereotypes that youth have faced. Is it OK to have stereotypes? Professor Ana Mari Cauce enlightens us to the ...
A 13-year-old girl in Chennai, India, had always wanted to visit the United States. But when she does, her idealized view of America is tested by the racism she encounters.