Comments for Space for a Big Sister

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This piece belongs to the series "Teen Sanctuaries"

Produced by Beth Patel, Yowei Shaw, and Thien To

Other pieces by Philly Youth Radio

Summary: Thien To is a senior at South Philadelphia High. She’s been struggling to hold on to her sanctuary and become the big sister she wants to be.

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Space for Big Sister - review

Sprinkled with self-reflective humor, ‘Space for a Big Sister’ indirectly tackles the challenges of being an older sibling. Thien To shares the tug of war she endures in order to keep hold of her sanctuary away from her younger siblings. Though To uses very simple, everyday examples, such as sharing a bed with her two younger siblings, she is able to touch on a larger issue; the responsibility faced by older siblings is both an expectation and a choice.
The segment about her younger brother was a little confusing in its execution for me. While it was certainly pertinent, it could have been tied in with more clarity.
To’s delivery is emotive and at times, humorous, allowing for a smooth flow. Her descriptions guides the listener to visualize both her home and her predicament.
A reflective yet perky closing lets the listener ease out of the piece on a high note. At the same time, To’s story continues to resonate with anyone who has ever faced the responsibility of taking care of others and taking care of oneself.