Comments for Jamming 101: A Classical Violinist's Foray into Bluegrass

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Produced by Catherine Girardeau, Earprint Productions

Other pieces by Catherine Girardeau

Summary: A classical violinist sits in on a bluegrass jam.

Review of Jamming 101: A Classical Violinist's Foray into Bluegrass

A lesson piece in the art of jamming and the courage of letting go to simply make music. As a first person narrative, it had more intimacy with the subject and wasn't about a series of tips on improvisation, although Mr. Lewis's five levels of jamming will make a lot of sense to new 'jammers' who wouldn't know where to begin. Ms. Girardeau sits in on a jam session later, and was pleasantly surprised by the openness of the other musicians who didn't care where she came from with her brand of style. Piece ends with a kicking jam session.