Radio Coffeehouse

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RadioKaffeehaus is a podcast series produced in Vienna by German writer and academic Rebecca Vogels and Canadian composer Caitlin Smith. 

The tone of the show is either upbeat and funny, or serious, with a focus on social justice issues. We produce fast-paced, narrative-driven audio stories using a rich tapestry of sound. With these episodes, we create a conversation in the tradition of the Viennese coffeehouse. 

In addition to our longer Radio Coffeehouse episodes, we also produce Coffee Break: 
A quick dive into the social architecture of coffee houses. We meet people from all over the world and ask them: what is your favourite café? How do you and others around you make use of this public living room?These episodes consist of a background recording of the cafe (usually made by our interview subject) as well as a short interview discussing café culture. 



Caption: Radio Coffeehouse
How well do you understand what the cops say when they arrest you? We interview forensic linguist Dr. Aneta Pavlenko. She testified at the trial of...

  • Added: Apr 09, 2015
  • Length: 08:59