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Bioneers group account. 


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182 Pieces

The Bioneers: Revolution From the Heart of Nature is an award-winning 13-part annual radio series.

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0 Pieces

Series Ten was the winner of 10 Communicator Awards and two New York festival awards. Now in it's 11th year, this multi-award winning 13-part series of half-hour shows feature the "bioneers"- social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for people and planet. Join over 450 markets worldwide reaching passionate and loyal listeners.

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13 Pieces

Bioneers brings bold innovators with breakthrough solutions to the airwaves. Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature is heard via more than 450 stations worldwide in 12 nations.

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11 Pieces

Bioneers brings bold innovators with breakthrough solutions to the airwaves. Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature is heard via more than 440 stations worldwide in 12 nations.

Caption: Bioneers Radio Series XIII
13 Pieces

This multi-award winning 13-part series of half-hour shows feature the "bioneers"- social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for people and planet. Join over 450 markets worldwide reaching passionate and loyal listeners.

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10 Pieces

Now in it's 11th year, this multi-award winning 13-part series of half-hour shows feature the "bioneers"- social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for people and planet. Join over 450 markets worldwide reaching passionate and loyal listeners. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature" is produced Bioneers, an internationally acclaimed nonprofit educational organization. Dynamic-charismatic-provocative-hopeful, these are the ardent voices of our most brilliant visionaries. They span the rich arc of human endeavor and transformation toward a future environment of hope.

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4 Pieces

Now in it's 11th year, this multi-award winning 13-part series of half-hour shows feature the "bioneers"- social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for people and planet. Join over 450 markets worldwide reaching passionate and loyal listeners. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature" is produced Bioneers, an internationally acclaimed nonprofit educational organization. Dynamic-charismatic-provocative-hopeful, these are the ardent voices of our most brilliant visionaries. They span the rich arc of human endeavor and transformation toward a future environment of hope.

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11 Pieces

Now in it's 11th year, this multi-award winning 13-part series of half-hour shows feature the "bioneers"- social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for people and planet. Join over 450 markets worldwide reaching passionate and loyal listeners. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature" is produced Bioneers, an internationally acclaimed nonprofit educational organization. Dynamic-charismatic-provocative-hopeful, these are the ardent voices of our most brilliant visionaries. They span the rich arc of human endeavor and transformation toward a future environment of hope.

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4 Pieces

Now in it's 11th year, this multi-award winning 13-part series of half-hour shows feature the "bioneers"- social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for people and planet. Join over 450 markets worldwide reaching passionate and loyal listeners. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature" is produced Bioneers, an internationally acclaimed nonprofit educational organization. Dynamic-charismatic-provocative-hopeful, these are the ardent voices of our most brilliant visionaries. They span the rich arc of human endeavor and transformation toward a future environment of hope.

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0 Pieces

Now in it's 11th year, this multi-award winning 13-part series of half-hour shows feature the "bioneers"- social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for people and planet. Join over 450 markets worldwide reaching passionate and loyal listeners. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature" is produced Bioneers, an internationally acclaimed nonprofit educational organization. Dynamic-charismatic-provocative-hopeful, these are the ardent voices of our most brilliant visionaries. They span the rich arc of human endeavor and transformation toward a future environment of hope.


Piece image
Few people realize that poor design and inefficient buildings account for half America's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Bought by Panhandle Community Radio

  • Added: Dec 03, 2010
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Bill McKibben
While human activity continues to devastate the atmosphere, a countervailing movement is afoot, evident in the deployment of alternative energy tec...

Bought by KNBA and Panhandle Community Radio

  • Added: Dec 03, 2010
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 2
Caption: Janine Benyus
How would nature do it? Biomimicry is a revolutionary emerging science that models nature's genius to design leading edge technologies that work in...

Bought by Panhandle Community Radio

  • Added: Dec 03, 2010
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 1
Caption: Alice Walker, Credit: (c) Jennifer Esperanza
Transformational women leaders are restoring societal balance by showing us how to reconnect relationships - not only among people - but between pe...

Bought by KQED, KSKQ, WPTC, and WGDR

  • Added: Dec 02, 2010
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 4
Caption: Eve Ensler
For a decade, the award-winning play The Vagina Monologues has provided a startling window into the conflicted complexity of women’s relationships ...

Bought by WLPR , KCMJ Community Radio, KSKQ, and WPTC

  • Added: Dec 02, 2010
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 4
Caption: Dune Lankard
For thousands of years, First Peoples have successfully managed the complex reciprocal relationships between biological and human cultures using Tr...

Bought by KKWE Niijii Radio, Panhandle Community Radio, KKRN, KSKQ, and WGDR

  • Added: Dec 02, 2010
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 5
Caption: David Orr, Credit: Tim Porter
Most American schools are flunking out when it comes to how well they integrate ecological literacy across the curriculum. And many are doing no b...

Bought by KQUA, Panhandle Community Radio, KKRN, KMXT, and KSKQ

  • Added: Dec 01, 2010
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 5
Caption: Paul Stamets
Scientists, entrepreneurs and educators on technology’s cutting edge offer a broad array of bio-based solutions that are already working to transit...

Bought by KQUA, Panhandle Community Radio, KKRN, and KSKQ

  • Added: Dec 01, 2010
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 4
Caption: Janine Benyus, Credit: Tim Porter
Bathing suits modeled on sharkskin that win the Olympics. Low-energy display screen based on peacock feathers. Nature has done everything human soc...

Bought by KSKQ

  • Added: Dec 01, 2010
  • Length: 28:30
  • Purchases: 1