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4 results

Caption: Gary Hotsfall, a student at Western Governor’s University Washington. WGU is a network of nonprofit online universities., Credit: Stephen Smith
Digital technologies are changing how many Americans go to college - from online courses to robo-tutors. Can these innovations make college cheaper...


  • Added: Nov 14, 2012
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 5
Caption: Sunland Park, New Mexico, Credit: Samat Jain
In 2011 and 2012, the small New Mexico border community of Sunland Park made regional headlines and national news for its political scandals. Delvi...

  • Added: Sep 24, 2012
  • Length: 28:59
Caption: College students in a Maryland science class. Some professors are abandoning the traditional lecture because research suggests it's not very effective, but lecture classes are still common. , Credit: Emily Hanford
Most college students spend a lot of time listening to lectures. But research shows there are better ways to learn. (9/1/2011)

Bought by WUFT, WMUU-LP, KPIP-LP, WTIP, KZYX and more

  • Added: Sep 01, 2011
  • Length: 54:00
  • Purchases: 7
Caption: Artist rendering of the California High Speed Rail, Credit: CAHSRA
The Big Dig, the Bay Bridge, the Chunnel... Why do transportation projects go so spectacularly over budget? There's a simple explanation - this doc...

Bought by The Neighborhood and PRX Remix

  • Added: Aug 06, 2010
  • Length: 26:38
  • Purchases: 2