Series for Brooklyn Public Library

Caption: Borrowed and Banned logo, Credit: John Snowden
10 Pieces

BPL's new podcast series Borrowed and Banned tells the story of America's ideological war with its bookshelves. In seven episodes, we'll talk with students on the frontlines, librarians and teachers whose livelihoods are endangered when they speak up, and writers whose books have become political battleground.

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5 Pieces

Brooklyn Public Library presents “Building Brooklyn,” a podcast mini-series about four neighborhoods that made Brooklyn the vibrant, diverse borough it is today.

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50 Pieces

Brooklyn has so many stories to tell, and a lot of them start at the library. Brooklyn Public Library's flagship podcast, “Borrowed,” brings you stories that start here and take you somewhere new. We're talking to people starting businesses, finding their roots, playing Dungeons & Dragons, creating community—and of course, borrowing books!