Series for Thesderina McGurglestein

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4 Pieces

Dictionary Head entertains as it educates! Each series is a set of 5 shows. Each show is a one-minute rhyming quiz, fun for ages 8 – 80. A great way to educate through poetry and rhyme! Each show tests a listener’s knowledge of “advanced and innovative words”. A valuable radio spot for educators, parents, grandparents, and kids with many words from the SAT list. Dictionary Head is an educational game for everyone!

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196 Pieces

Dictionary Head entertains as it educates! Great for parents and kids! It is a one-minute rhyming quiz, fun for ages 8 – 80 with an innovative and fun way to educate! Every show tests a listener’s knowledge of “advanced and innovative words”. A valuable radio spot for educators, parents, grandparents, and kids with many words from the SAT list plus more. Dictionary Head is an educational game for everyone!