All Pieces for Albert Grauer

Caption: About 1000 Viking Orbiter red- and violet-filter images have been processed to provide global color coverage of Mars at a scale of 1 km/pixel., Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS
The life of an asteroid hunter on Mars will be interesting and exciting. The double planet, our Earth and Moon, in the Martian night sky will be an...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KICI Iowa City, KGLP and more

  • Added: Apr 03, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Asteroid, Credit: NASA
After being lost for ten years, the asteroid 2010 WC9 was re-discovered about a week before it came very close to Earth.

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KICI Iowa City, RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Mar 27, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: This view of asteroid Bennu ejecting particles from its surface on Jan. 6, 2019, was created by combining two images taken by the NavCam 1 imager aboard NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft: a short exposure image, which shows the asteroid clearly, and a long-exp, Credit: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona/Lockheed Martin
The recent discovery of an asteroid, whose orbit lies completely within that of the Earth, reminds asteroid hunters to continue to search near the ...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, KICI Iowa City and more

  • Added: Mar 20, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Artist’s concept illustrating a catastrophic collision between two rocky exoplanets in the planetary system BD +20 307, turning both into dusty debris. Ten years ago, scientists speculated that the warm dust in this system was a result of a planet-to-plan, Credit:  NASA/SOFIA/Lynette Cook
An asteroid is exiled to the outer regions of the solar system during Jupiter's rampaging tack away from the Sun long ago. During that process enou...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, KICI Iowa City and more

  • Added: Mar 13, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Night Sky, Credit: NPS
Modern technology provides us with stunning views of objects in the Universe in wavelengths invisible to our eyes, however, nothing is as moving an...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, WTIP and more

  • Added: Mar 06, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: TESS Spacecraft, Credit: NASA
To find planets close to home NASA has launched TESS the Transiting Exoplanet Satellite which will monitor more than 200,000 nearby, stars over the...

Bought by KENW, Simply Beautiful, KICI Iowa City, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KGLP and more

  • Added: Feb 27, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Over 100 meteors are recorded in this composite image taken during the peak of the Geminid meteor shower in 2014., Credit: NASA/MSFC/Danielle Moser, NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office
In the early evening of January 17, 2018 six hundred and seventy four observers in 11 States and Canada reported a fireball meteor streaking across...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio] and more

  • Added: Feb 20, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption:  NEO Surveyor will be based on NEOCam (above), a finalist in the previous round of the Discovery program, and will feature an infrared telescope to look for near Earth objects., Credit: Credit: NASA/JPL
So far asteroid hunters have discovered about 8,000 of the 25,000, large, potentially hazardous asteroids, suspected to exist, leaving 17,000 more ...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, WTIP and more

  • Added: Feb 13, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Fragments of the Sutter’s Mill meteorite fall collected by NASA Ames and SETI Institute meteor astronomer Peter Jenniskens in the evening of Tuesday April 24, 2012, two days after the fall. This was the second recovered find., Credit: NASA Ames/Eric James
If you set your mind to it, you can find and hold a sample of an asteroid, called a meteorite, which has landed on the Earth's surface. On the othe...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Feb 06, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Artist's illustration of NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) which will crash into the asteroid Didymos., Credit: NASA/John Hopkins University/Cov
When Asteroid Hunters find a relatively large asteroid on a collision course with planet Earth, the challenge is to change its path to make it miss...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, RADIOLEX, WTIP and more

  • Added: Jan 30, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Comet Lovejoy, Credit: NASA
Greg's comet comes into our neighborhood once per human lifetime and spends most of it's time in the lonely space high above or far below the rest ...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, WTIP, KGLP and more

  • Added: Jan 22, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: 30 years of fireballs, Credit: NASA
Fireballs are meteors which become brighter than the planet Venus and can sometimes be seen in the daytime. If you are lucky to see a fireball send...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Jan 16, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 11
Caption: Asteroids and Earth, Credit: ESA:P. Carril
To give you an idea of the asteroid traffic in our neighborhood, on a mostly cloudy night, through holes in the clouds, in a space of less than 2 h...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, KICI Iowa City and more

  • Added: Jan 09, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Artists Conception, Credit: Dan Durda
Tonight, even though the chances are extremely slim, an asteroid hunter could find a sizable asteroid on a collision course with planet Earth. If w...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, KICI Iowa City and more

  • Added: Jan 02, 2022
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 12
Caption: Asteroid Mining, Credit: NASA
In the future one can envision a space mining family boarding a descendent of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launch Vehicle for a trip into low Earth orb...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KICI Iowa City, RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Dec 25, 2021
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: Halley's Comet, Credit: NASA
On December 25, 2017, while searching for Earth approaching asteroids in the constellation of Virgo, the Universe gave my Catalina Sky Survey team...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, WTIP, KKRN and more

  • Added: Dec 19, 2021
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: Fireball Exploding, Credit: NASA
Recent scientific studies have begun to shed light on the interesting mystery of how the small number of what we now call electrophonic meteors pro...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Dec 12, 2021
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Mt. Lemmon, AZ snow storm, Credit: A.D. Grauer
Long Winter nights with good seeing, from start to finish, are those on which the asteroid hunter makes new discoveries while being treated to view...

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KGLP, KICI Iowa City and more

  • Added: Dec 05, 2021
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 11
Caption: Laser Sail, Credit: Project Breakthrough
Laser propelled ultra light space probes could be sent to explore nearby worlds.

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KICI Iowa City, RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Nov 28, 2021
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 11
Caption: Voyager Leaving Solar System, Credit: NASA
What plant seeds will be left for interstellar travelers to take with them?

Bought by KENW, Allegheny Mountain Radio, Simply Beautiful, KICI Iowa City, KGLP and more

  • Added: Nov 21, 2021
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 12