All Pieces for Albert Grauer

Caption: Milky Way Rising Cosmic Campground, Credit: David Thornburg
In 1924 the Aldo Leopold Wilderness in southwestern New Mexico became the first designated wilderness and is an island from which to view the natur...

Bought by Raven Radio, WTIP, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KGLP and more

  • Added: Mar 03, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: Milky Way Rising Over the Gila Wilderness, Credit: David Thornburg
In 2024, Voyager I is 163 times further from the Sun than we are and is the most distant, human made, traveler in the night.

Bought by KRWG, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, WTIP, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio] and more

  • Added: Feb 25, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Comet Enke, Credit: NASA
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Alex Gibbs discovered his 31st comet while asteroid hunting in Leo with our 60 inch telescope on Mt. Lemmon, Ariz...

Bought by Raven Radio, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, WTIP, KGLP and more

  • Added: Feb 18, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Psyche and Spacecraft, Credit: NASA
Unlike other space missions which are conducted out in the open the asteroid mining company AstroForge’s first mission to a potentially valuable ne...

Bought by KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, WTIP, KGLP, Raven Radio and more

  • Added: Feb 11, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Piece image
So far asteroid hunters have discovered approximately half of the 5,000 PHAs which are likely to exist. Asteroid hunters will continue to search th...

Bought by Raven Radio, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, WTIP, KKRN and more

  • Added: Feb 04, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Artists conception of a Centaur, Credit: NASA/NEOWISE
Centaurs have long puzzled astronomers since they have traits in common with both asteroids and comets.

Bought by Raven Radio, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, WTIP, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio] and more

  • Added: Jan 28, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: A Cosmic Thread, Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Feige Wang (University of  Arizona)
In the past two decades astronomers have discovered that galaxies are not randomly distributed in space but rather occur along filaments of mass wi...

Bought by Raven Radio, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, WTIP, KGLP and more

  • Added: Jan 21, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Comet Lemmon C/2023 H2, Credit: J.D. Maddy in the Hauchuca Astronomy Club
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate Greg Leonard was asteroid hunting in the constellation of Aquarius with our Schmidt telescope on Mt. Bigelow, Arizo...

Bought by RADIOLEX, WTIP, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, Raven Radio, KGLP and more

  • Added: Jan 14, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Artists Conception Earth and an Asteroid, Credit: NASA
My Catalina Sky Survey teammate David Rankin was being filmed and interviewed by the NASA 360 crew at our 60 inch telescope on Mt. Lemmon, Arizona ...

Bought by Raven Radio, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., RADIOLEX, KGLP, KNVC Carson City Community Radio and more

  • Added: Jan 07, 2024
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Concept of Asteroid Pulversation, Credit: Lubin 2021
A description of a research project whose goal to explore if it would be possible, on short notice, to pulverize a small asteroid so that it woul...

Bought by Raven Radio, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., KNVC Carson City Community Radio, RADIOLEX, WTIP and more

  • Added: Dec 31, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 10
Caption: Two Comets in Southern Skies , Credit: Jose J. Chambo (Cometografia)
Matching his wife’s discovery of two comets on the same observing run seven years previously my Catalina Sky Survey team caption Carson Fuls discov...

Bought by KNVC Carson City Community Radio, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., WTIP, KKRN, Raven Radio and more

  • Added: Dec 24, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Artists Conception Psyche Spacecraft, Credit: NASA
The NASA Psyche Spacecraft will use a multispectral imager, gamma and neutron spectrometers, and other instruments to map, measure, and characteriz...

Bought by Raven Radio, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., KICI Iowa City, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KGLP and more

  • Added: Dec 17, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: Artists Conception Sun and Asteroids, Credit: NASA
Historically explorers in many fields of human endeavor have been granted the privilege to name their discovery. If you find a new comet and it r...

Bought by Raven Radio, KUGS Bellingham, Wash., RADIOLEX, WTIP, KKRN and more

  • Added: Dec 10, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Artists Conception Earth,Moon, and Asteroid, Credit: NASA and Texas A&M
During a six hour period three small space rocks passed through the Earth-Moon system. At discovery 2023 TO4 was in Pegasus, 2023 TD7 was in Aries...

Bought by RADIOLEX, WTIP, Raven Radio, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], KKRN and more

  • Added: Dec 03, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: Vera Rubin Main Telescope Under Construction, Credit: Eric Christensen
The Catalina Sky Survey searches the sky as rapidly as possible in search of Earth approaching objects that could pose a threat to our home planet....

Bought by Raven Radio, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], RADIOLEX, WTIP, KKRN and more

  • Added: Nov 26, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 7
Caption: Artists Conception of an Asteroid and the Earth, Credit: ESA
New observations linked with discovery observations 10 years earlier provide a significant improvement in the precision of our knowledge of 2013 T...

Bought by Raven Radio, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], RADIOLEX, WTIP, KGLP and more

  • Added: Nov 19, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: Andromeda, Unexpected, Credit: Marcel Drechsler, Xavier Strottner and Yann Sainty
Marcel Drechsler, Xavier Strottner, and Yann Sainty’s image of our neighboring galaxy, M31, in Andromeda won the 10,000 British pound Astronomer P...

Bought by Raven Radio, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], RADIOLEX, WTIP, KGLP and more

  • Added: Nov 12, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption: Artists Conception Psyche, Credit: NASA
NASA classifies 2023 SZ1 as a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid since it is larger than 140m in diameter and on its current path can come to about 6 t...

Bought by Raven Radio, WYAP, RADIOLEX, KGLP, KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio] and more

  • Added: Nov 05, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 8
Caption: This artist’s concept shows what exoplanet K2-18 b could look like based on science data., Credit: NASA, CSA, ESA, J. Olmsted (STScI), Science: N. Madhusudhan (Cambridge University)
Hycean Worlds, with masses between Earth and Neptune which have thin hydrogen rich atmospheres above a liquid water ocean may be very common in ou...

Bought by KTAL-LP [Las Cruces Community Radio], RADIOLEX, Raven Radio, KGLP, WTIP and more

  • Added: Oct 29, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 9
Caption:  C/2023 P1 (Nishimura), Credit: Trevinca-Skies on Spain
Given the effects of climate change today who can predict what planet Earth will be like when C/2023 P1(Nishimura) comes back near our home planet...

Bought by Raven Radio, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, KGLP, KUCR 88.3 fm Riverside, Calif., RADIOLEX and more

  • Added: Oct 22, 2023
  • Length: 02:00
  • Purchases: 11