Series for DW - Deutsche Welle

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344 Pieces

Inside Europe: Get the inside take on European affairs... DW's weekly news magazine explores the topical issues shaping the continent. No other part of the globe has experienced such dynamic political and social change in recent years.

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301 Pieces

World in Progress: Stories that matter from around the world World in Progress is a 30-minute radio show that connects the dots in a globalized era.

Caption: DWFC host Cristina Burack, Credit: (c) Ayse Tasci/DW
55 Pieces

Deutsche Welle Festival Concerts DW: SERIES with live recordings of world-class performances from Germany. Broadcast rights allow PRX subscriber stations to use any or all of the programs in the series that have been already been published, or subscribe to the series to receive the files automatically each week.

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326 Pieces

Spectrum: The fascinating world of science and technology Spectrum is a half-hour weekly with developments in the fields of science and technology.

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336 Pieces

Living Planet: Environment stories from around the world The half-hour radio show makes the environment matter to you.