Comments by Paul Quamahongnewa

Comment for "Mother"

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Review on Mother

Priscilla and many others face growing up without a mother. This is sad that her mother left her and does not want to see her. The pattern of the piece is astounding and you can see how her youth years were. The quality of this piece is great! The ambiance makes the piece compelling.

Comment for "Reshawn"

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Review on Reshawn

Teen fathers are on the rise and Reshawn is one of them. Reshawn thought of what happens of becoming a parent. His dreams are hindered because of the fact he has to support his daughter. This story is happening all over in our communities and it's real. This story is compelling to hear what a teen father like Reshawn has to go through everyday of his life.

Comment for "Short Wave: Teen Sex"

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Sex...Why is it all about sex for teens?

Teen sex is more in relationships and then, its all over the country and in media. Many of the male's intentions to entice the females, then having sex. It can unexpectedly change their lilves and the teen's aspects of a relationship is having sex. There is a circle in the whole sex issue in relationships and having sex at a young age is too early.

Comment for "The Wild Places of Youth"

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Do you remember when you were a child?

Imagination, is a great tool and also, remembering what you've done when you were a small child. Your mind is filled with unimaginable thoughts and dreams. We can all remember when we were children and we still act like one at times. We can all remember the events we experienced when we were little. Remember, we are children, we still have our childish dreams and thoughts.

Comment for "How Can Humans Get Along"

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Can we all get along?!

We are all humans and we need to put our differences aside. We need to stop using non-violence in all aspects of our communications to each other. Our judgements should not get the better of us, we need to live together. This world is so diverse and this world needs to understand all aspects of nationalities.

Comment for "Teen Pregnancy... is this right?"

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Review of Teen Pregnancy... is this right?

Teenage pregnancy is spreading throughout the communities, but is it right? Many people oppose this new beginning as an adult, but it is a matter of personal choice whether to have a child. People find it upsetting. They think teen parents should have at least an education and financially ready. It is hard for teen parents, with this responsibility, they have to put aside their goals and focus on their son or daughter.

Comment for "What Is Hip-Hop?"

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Review of What Is Hip-Hop?

What is the definition of Hip-Hop? Various reasons why Hip-Hop is one of the most favored music genre in the world. It can be the structure of the music or how Hip-Hop started in the community. Unlike Rap and R&B, Hip- Hop is the foundation of the very lives Hip-Hop artists and their community went through.

Comment for "Violence in Relationships"

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Review of Violence in Relationships

Do relationships tend to get violent? In deep relationships, it could start off as being protected, believing that you are safe, giving your trust and love to your so-called mate. Many people especially females who are in deep relationships, tend to stay with them and deal with the hardships and violence that come their way. It is hard for females to get out of this situation because their mate might get violent and threaten if they leave him. These types of relationships can turn physically and mentally and it could be both sexes that can be controlling. Abusive relationships are hard to get away from. Many girls have dealt with these situations, but do not have options of leaving this situation. Such violence can lead to many sorts of outcomes. I applaud them for telling about this difficult topic to the community.

Comment for "Drugs in the Drinking Water"

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Review of Drugs in the Drinking Water

We should worry abut drugs in our drinking water. We all want clean water and we do not want to get sick. These discoveries were surprising because of prescription and over the counter drugs are being flushed down the toilet because of expired prescriptions and ending up in our drinking supply. The discoveries were found in many water districts around the country and has risen questions if the water is safe. I think it is scary that the drugs found in tap water and we should find alternatives for discarding drugs rather than flushing it down the toilet.

Comment for "Growing Up in The System"

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Review of Growing Up in The System

I think Shirley Diaz's life without a mom is just astounding. I couldn't believe how she faces adversity in the eye and lives with all the obstacles she faces in her life. What really struck me is how her father murders her mother. Also, I was shocked of what she thought of teenage pregnancy, but a positive way to look at it. The structure is awesome because the sounds and the direction in which the story is headed. I love the way she speaks of what really matters to her. Growing up in the system is a hard obstacle with a lot of violence and the challenges the people in the projects face. The events that are happening to Shirley, I think she is experiencing what some people have faced on my reservation and elsewhere. I think her life is extraordinary: she experiences a miscarriage, loss of her mother and the will to continue in the system.