Piece Comment

Review of Austin Life

It takes a lot to make me feel warm and fuzzy towards my tiny hometown of Sebastopol, which I usually find so mundane and all-out LAME, but this piece did it skillfully, evoking many of the best feelings I've had toward my little slice of pastoral paradise. The young narrator opens with a scene many of us can identify with (looking at the city's beauty as her plane comes in for a landing) and then explores all the sides of attachment to one's home, such as putting down roots in a new place, family connections, and simply exploring the area, skillfully and simply.
However, she also does a great job of explaining what makes THIS town, Austin, so unique, and even offers a humorous explanation as to why the town might be so quirky, shattering a couple of my preconceived notions about Texas in the process.
Though the narration was a little uneven at times, the piece flowed well overall, and could work well in a wide context - anything based around the general idea of home.