Comments for Austin Life

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Produced by Mikaela Thomas

Other pieces by Youth Spin - KOOP 91.7 FM

Summary: Austin youth Mikaela Thomas talks about why she loves living in Austin, Texas, and what makes it unique.

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Review of Austin Life

Maybe if Austin was my home town I would like this piece a little more. But then listening to it again the second time makes me relate this piece to my home town BROOKLYN! So I guess in some ironic way we can share this love for our favorite place in the world! Your voice on one constant drag, with very little voice articulation, the more interesting you make things sound the more people would like your piece. Also you mess up on a few words, making it sound more and more like your reading all of this from a paper, good editing will fix that in shape! I still fell like your story is missing something, its like a turkey sandwich without the turkey. Besides all of that and some, you did a good job formatting your piece meaning putting this part first that part next. Your piece however did not put me to sleep for some reason it got me hooked! Great job..cant wait to hear the next!

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Review of Austin Life

It takes a lot to make me feel warm and fuzzy towards my tiny hometown of Sebastopol, which I usually find so mundane and all-out LAME, but this piece did it skillfully, evoking many of the best feelings I've had toward my little slice of pastoral paradise. The young narrator opens with a scene many of us can identify with (looking at the city's beauty as her plane comes in for a landing) and then explores all the sides of attachment to one's home, such as putting down roots in a new place, family connections, and simply exploring the area, skillfully and simply.
However, she also does a great job of explaining what makes THIS town, Austin, so unique, and even offers a humorous explanation as to why the town might be so quirky, shattering a couple of my preconceived notions about Texas in the process.
Though the narration was a little uneven at times, the piece flowed well overall, and could work well in a wide context - anything based around the general idea of home.