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Playlist: solomon listening room

Compiled By: Nancy Solomon

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The Story of Ing (Doc) Hay-Frontier Herbalist

From Dmae Lo Roberts | Part of the Crossing East - Asian American History series series | 58:00

The Story of Ing (Doc) Hay is about a frontier herbalist and acupuncturist in John Day, Oregon.

Dochaylow_small MediaRites Productions presents "The Story of Ing (Doc) Hay - frontier herbalist tells the unusual and significant story of Doc Hay and his business partner and friend Lung On who ran the Kam Wah Chung store and medical practice in the small Eastern Oregon town of John Day shortly after the Gold Rush and into the 1950's.  Unlike other parts of the country where lynchings and massacres of Chinese immigrants were the norm, these two men were respected members of the community and are still remembered by John Day residents. "Doc Hay" was funded by the Regional Arts and Culture Council and the Oregon Council for the Humanities and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and will be part of an eight-part national series Crossing East in May 2006 for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. For more info visit: CrossingEast.org


From Pulitzer Center | 53:00

Writer and Poet Kwame Dawes explores HIV/AIDS in Jamaica, produced by Outer Voices, in association with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

Aids_small HIV/AIDS is defined by people: their complex lives, their bravery, their fear, their sadness, their need, their laughter, their inconsistencies--basically, their rich humanity. LiveHopeLove looks at the universal problems faced by people with HIV/AIDS, through the specific lens of Jamaica, where almost no one is unaffected by the disease. What are the unique realities of this small island state that set its HIV/AIDS sufferers apart from those in the rest of the world? Poet and writer Kwame Dawes travels to Jamaica to explore the experience of people living with HIV/AIDS and to examine how the disease has shaped their lives. Dawes' poems, inspired by their stories, take this documentary into deep realms of the heart.

LiveHopeLove: HIV/AIDS in Jamaica is the second of two multimedia reporting initiatives undertaken by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting with support from the MAC AIDS Fund.

Visit LiveHopeLove.com to explore the interactive website with rich photography, the complete set of Kwame's poems, short video documentaries and musical interpretations of the poems.

The radio documentary is produced by Stephanie Guyer-Stevens and Jack Chance of Outer Voices, in association with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.