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Playlist: O'Dark 30 episode 134 (3-30)

Compiled By: KUT

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KUT's O’Dark 30 celebrates our ex-wife's birthday this week as we bring you more of the very best from the world of independent radio production. Every Sunday at midnight on Austin's KUT 90.5 and also at 4pm on digital KUT2 we present 3 hours of a little bit of everything from the world of independent radio production.

Episode 134 (3-30) includes Helping A Loved One Die...#18 - A Square meal Regardless...Foreigners in Detroit...WTF Episode 109 with Thomas Lennon, Dave Attell & Andy Richter...episode 44 (distance)...The Mikie Show #37, Abe

Helping A Loved One Die

From Mark Dowie | 58:25

Investigative reporter Mark Dowie, host of Talking Point Radio probes the challenging moral controversy surrounding assisted death in this hour-long radio documentary produced and directed by Gregg McVicar.


Because laws of most states make it risky, even criminal in some, for doctors to hasten a terminal patient’s death, more and more people facing painful endgames are asking friends and family to help them take matters into their own hands and end their lives.


Supporters of physician assisted death call these unfortunate choices “back alley suicides” and hope that other states follow the example set by Oregon, Washington and Montana which allow physicians to provide aid in dying to terminally ill patients.  Opponents of assisted death say “not so fast” and warn of a “slippery slope” that will lead to the legalized murder of elderly and disabled people.


Dowie visits the widow of a man whose family helped him die, meets with activists and lawyers leading the fight against “assisted suicide” and members of the support groups they call “vigilante cults” who help people unable to find physician assistance end lives of intractable pain and suffering.  And he closes the hour conversing with a doctor who spends most of his practice next to the bedside of dying patients.

#18 - A Square Meal Regardless

From HowSound | 16:06

For years, Jen Nathan has felt guilty about a story she produced. Only now is she able to speak publicly.


Jen Nathan produced “A Square Meal, Regardless” in 2007 and she’s been reeling from the experience ever since. So much so that she didn’t want to be interviewed when I featured this story last year.

“A Square Meal, Regardless” follows the last days of Cedric Chambers with his caring friend John Gallagher. Cedric is dying of cancer and John radically changed his life to take care of him.

Throughout the weeks John and Cedric are together, Jen recorded interviews and documented their daily lives. She says being there — a stranger with a microphone — felt uncomfortable at minimum and morally wrong at worst. She thinks of it as trespassing on an incredibly private moment especially since John and Cedric were uneasy about her visits.

For years, she was haunted by documenting this story.  Only recently has she come to terms with it. I’m very thankful she agreed to speak with me for HowSound.

Please have a listen to this remarkable story — one of my favorites from the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies.

Foreigners in Detroit

From Jake Warga | 05:33

The Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville arrived in Detroit in 1831 to the quote: “utmost limits of European civilization” and wrote ‘Democracy in America’ which helped Americans for the first time to see America from an outsider’s view.
Foreigners are still attracted to Detroit, Jake Warga (WAR-guh) visited recently to see who’s coming from over-seas.

02-detroit-warga-jake_small The Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville arrived in Detroit in 1831 to the quote: “utmost limits of European civilization” and wrote ‘Democracy in America’ which helped Americans for the first time to see America from an outsider’s view. Foreigners are still attracted to Detroit, Jake Warga (WAR-guh) visited recently to see who’s coming from over-seas.

WTF Episode 109 with Thomas Lennon, Dave Attell & Andy Richter

From WTF with Marc Maron | Part of the WTF with Marc Maron series | 58:59

Three conversations with guys from different parts of the comedy world. Both news hole and 59 minute versions are provided.

Mustache-thomaslennon_small Three conversations with guys from different parts of the comedy world. Tom Lennon talks about going from niche television acting like The State and Reno 911! to writing for big broad films like Night at the Museum; Dave Attell talks stand-up while poolside; and Andy Richter discusses the move from late-night sidekick, to sitcom star and back again. 


From Nate DiMeo | Part of the the memory palace series | 03:11

The incredible story of how the death of his wife inspired painter S.F.B. Morse to invent the telegraph.

Nate DiMeo

Distance_art_small The incredible story of how the death of his wife inspired painter S.F.B. Morse to invent the telegraph.

The Mikie Show #37, Abe

From Michael Carroll | Part of the The Mikie Show series | 28:03

Join us as we speak with fabulous violinist Abe Appleman. Besides a love of chamber music, his main gig is playing with the first fiddles in the Orchestra of The Metropolitan Opera in New York City. And he’s done that for the last thirty years! We talk about the joy of a musician’s life. And he agreed to play a little for us, and, even though it’s over a funky phone connection, it was worth it! Also, our old friend, um, do you really want me to tell? Nah, it’s better to be surprised. There’s a little news, of course, and how about this for a feature, a sound quiz! There’s so much more, I can’t bring myself to type it. Why is that? Remember, The Mikie Show absorbs quickly and is completely gluten free!

Violin_small Join us as we speak with fabulous violinist Abe Appleman. Besides a love of chamber music, his main gig is playing with the first fiddles in the Orchestra of The Metropolitan Opera in New York City. And he’s done that for the last thirty years! We talk about the joy of a musician’s life. And he agreed to play a little for us, and, even though it’s over a funky phone connection, it was worth it! Also, our old friend, um, do you really want me to tell? Nah, it’s better to be surprised. There’s a little news, of course, and how about this for a feature, a sound quiz! There’s so much more, I can’t bring myself to type it. Why is that? Remember, The Mikie Show absorbs quickly and is completely gluten free!