Comments by H R

Comment for "Pop Vultures #11: Tupac Shakur & Folk Sleazeballs" (deleted)

Tupac Shakur & Ryan Adams Review (deleted)

My gosh I love this kind of thing. It is exactly what I want to hear in terms of a convesation about music. 2Pac is great. Ryan is great. So Alive is greatly humorous. Katie Sullivan keeps it real (haha) and, though sounds a little bookish makes it is clear she loves this music. Unfortuantely she doesn't understand that "So Alive" is a parody of U2 and that Rocknroll Reversed in a giant fucking joke. For the last time LLORNKCOR IS A PARODY ALBUM! You want ya'llternative country listen to Cold Roses. Whiskeytown is harmless, but these commentators rely on the fact that their audience probably is not going to have any idea who the lost highway artists even are. And for the record, Ryan Adams was not influenced by Dave Matthews. I gotta belive that g-funk was not the inevitable lead from gangsta rap. Only wish is that Del TFHS had come up, yo! I cannot believe 2Pac can be called soft. I also kind of hate John Mayer. Once in about 2000, my sister was camping out for a basketball game and John Mayer was playing in a warm building and giving out hot coffee - she left to the wet and cold tent as to not listen to that garbage.

Comment for "Must-Have Fundraising Module: Robert Plant Pledges To Never Hear "Stairway To Heaven""

Led Zep Review

This interview-like story is the reason why Led Zepplin is so great lyrically. Plant is a genius with words, music, and especially analog recordings. He does a good job of parodying himself and the whole "NPR" mentality.

Comment for "Will China Save Minnesota's Iron Industry?"

Minnesota's Iron Industry Review

Glad to hear that American iron ore is in demand once again. After all, the growth of iron mining in the late 1870s was a big reason Minnesota's population bloomed to begin with. I think I remember that some of the people that worked in those first mines were Chinese immigrants. The piece really shines when it outlines the difficulty of a nation like the United States competing with a developing nation with no protected worker's rights, low environmental standards, and no minimum wage. I think the biggest shortfall of the report is that Globalization is presented as a choice instead of a fact.

Comment for "Substitute Teaching (Poem)"

Substitute Teaching Review

How un-politically correct is this in the age of school shootings? Well, let's just say his students are described as "12 year old sociopaths" who ask to play with live ammo. Yeah, definitely worth a listen if you like mildly conservative, interestingly derranged poetry.

Comment for "The Ebony Hillbillies"

The Ebony Hillbillies Review

Bluegrass? Folk? Blues? I don't know, but the Ebony Hillbillies sound rich and country. First ocra, now Banjos from Africa? I had no idea do much white Southern culture didn't originate in the Old World. If you have the time, listen to this. Enlightening, fun, and socially concious --come learn the odd truth behind "Yellow Rose of Texas."

Comment for "The Desire For Fame" (deleted)

The Desire For Fame Review (deleted)

At least this guy admits his self-righteousness by the end. Paul is hilarious and drives right at his point, but his belief that things "used" to be better is simply batty. People have been obssessed with fame for 4,000 years and I do not think the feeling is transient in either direction. I love his Romper Room soundbyte, but his Survivor description absolutely takes the cake.

Comment for "Primary Sources - Grandfriends" (deleted)

Grandfriends Review (deleted)

Such a perfect commentary: purposeful, true, and funny. Grandparent's Day (the Grandfriend's phenom notwithstanding) is one of the truly great ideas of the 1990s in my opinion. May "Cotton" Tom Heflin, the father of mother's day, agree.

Comment for "THINK GLOBAL: Bill McKibben commentary"

McKibben Commentary Review

I've got a theory this piece is a parody of a Thomas Friedman column. Or maybe it is just the similarity of the voices. The difference is I love this guy. He makes me feel positive about the political and social realities of a globally competitive economy. We may recover the pleasure of relying on neigbors! Let's hope! I love the Wyoming community dry good store that defeated Wal-Mart (which McKibben calls the exemplar of placeless internationalism). Grrrrrreat!

Comment for "The New Color of Blood" (deleted)

Sin City Review Review (deleted)

I get the definite feeling that this Bill Newcott does not usually like action movies and had never seen a Frank Miller Sin City story. "Sometimes" in black and white? Please. I feel like the writer of this review thinks every movie should be filled with springtime colors and the only strong contrast ought to be between good and evil. Personally, I love middle characters like Marv; Good or evil? A bit of Eddie Brock and Frank Castle are just what I like in a hero. Maybe this piece was not intended to be a cinematic review, but if it was, it completely skips the films major problem: the disconnect between the four stories (and God how I wanted to see more of The Employee in action). The best part of the review is how Bill shows us just how the noir-style voice-overs come off as silly and cheeseball. If you're a "Promise-keeper," suscribe to "Focus on the Family," and can't watch enough "700 Club," you'll dig this take on Sin City; then again, you'll probably not see Sin City as it was not advertised on the Hallmark Channel.

Comment for "Cambridge Forum: Blood and Oil" (deleted)

Review of Cambridge Forum: Blood and Oil (deleted)

Could Robert Tracinski be right? Is Saudi Arabia is our enemy? I am reminded of Matthew Yglesia's words, "After all, if you fight a war for oil, at least you get some oil at the end of the day." The SUV drum is really getting old to me. How big a deal is it that 25% of American drivers are willing to drive vehicles that achieve only 12 mpg? I don't know, but I don't think ridiulously high demand for oil in the US can really be placed solely on that. While it it true the US doesn't have Saudi Arabia's 264.2 billion barrels of oil but the US does have 22.4 billion barrels, and our close and emerging partner China has at least 24 billion barrels. That said, I agree and respect this point of view. I just wish instead of heaping more legitimate criticism at the Bush Administration, this platform would have been used to mention, at least briefly, alternative energy.

Comment for "Five Quick Ways to Save Money"

Five Quick Ways to Save Money Review

Fucking great! I love this! I wish all the advice I got came from a voice this damn sexy. This was helpful to me. Why aren't ad campaigns full of great voices and ideas like this instead encouraging people already riding high in SUVs to check their tire pressure and wear a seat belt? This is common sense related in a nonoffensive, non condescending way. The progenitors of would be proud.

Comment for "Losing a Friend to AIDS"

Losing a Friend to AIDS Review

This is a preety cookie-cutter story of infection. I wonder if our writer has, in the immortal words of Eminem, "seen that one movie 'KIDs.'" If not, she probably would like it and anything else by Larry Clark. I feel bad for her family friend but I am confused by the story of unprotected sex that begins the article. I actually wish we heard straight from the horse's mouth why anyone would have intercourse, unprotected or not, with someone who is HIV positive. Unless the reason is love, it seems like a mistake to me.

Comment for "Japan-China Diplomacy"

Japan-China Diplomacy Review

This article does a fine job of doing what it does, but that isn't much in my unqualified opinion. It mentions barely either what the April 12, 2005 New York Times called "violent anti-Japan protests in China" or the millions of Chinese slaughtered by Japanese Imperial Army during the occupation of China and the 1948 Tokyo war crimes tribunal that found members of the army guilty for the deaths 155,000 women and children (which is still very present in the minds of many Chinese). I really wanted to hear this quote by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, "Only a country that respects history, takes responsibility for past history and wins over the trust of the people in Asia and the world at large can take greater responsibility in the international community." I also feel like the real story is totally side-stepped: that even through the hate that Chinese people may feel for Japan, they are still willing to make life and make money; As of fiscal 2004, China is Japan's biggest trading partner with nearly $180 billion in trade. This exchange cuts both ways: Japanese corporations used $9.2 billion in China as foreign direct investment last year. The article only works at the very surface of events, but then again it is 3 minutes and 13 seconds long.

Comment for "The Power of One"

The Power of One Review

Governor Murkowski is suing Gale Norton, Secretary for the Department of the Interior, to to open a long-closed trail to allow better access to mines. Historical use? Check.

I have to wonder, knowing nothing about the politics of the Land of the Midnight Sun, is Murkowski behind the recent push to recriminalize pot?

Comment for "1992 Steven Taylor - Villanelle"

1992 Steven Taylor - Villanelle Review

I keep 2 orbituaries on my wall: Mr. Rogers and Allen Ginsberg. This recording is not for everyone, but if you enjoy a live reading of "Howl" or "America," or own a copy of "Live From the Quilt," this is for you. I would say it reminds me of "Susan has AIDS and cookies," but I don't want to indebt myself to my Vox Humana professor like that. Beautiful voice on this Taylor man. I wish I had heard of him before becuase he reminds me so much of Ian of Ian and Sylvia. By the way if you have any listenable recordings of Ian and Sylvia, please contact me.

Comment for "Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz"

Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz Review

Forgive my broken Spanish.

Tómelo por favor fácil. Déjeme explicar algo a usted: Te quiero. Quisiera que usted supiera que vaya a tomar a responsabilidad de me del tipo del tiempo I esto encendido. Entiendo que mi propia infelicidad y holgazanería son toda la parte de lo que decido hacer. No sé adónde iré de aquí. Una de mis líneas preferidas que he leído no es "nada prevista para el resto de la semana o el resto de mi vida." No recuerdo la fuente. Para todos sé que la escribí. Le amaré por siempre. El amor desafía categorías.

Comment for "Wal-Mart in China"

Wal-Mart in China Review

"A very American capitalism" indeed! This report is not as blatantly anti-Wal-Mart as I would like, although the pre-morning pro-Wal-Mart chanting is really disturbing. The "associates" are made to seem like controled automotons. TO be honest the new Chinese Wal-Mart chants remind me of how the CCP took folk songs about how hard life can be and transformed them into pro-Mao, pro-Communist hymns that shared little but the tune with their predecessors. For Wal-Mart coverage more to my taste, check out Frontline's "Is Wal-Mart Good for America" or The Daily Show's Ed Helm's "Wal-Mart Under Fire"
I appreciate the sentiment of the commentator, but pro-American points of view do not coincide with supporting Wal-Mart.

Comment for "A Word To Our Players"

A Word To Our Players Review

If you know what I mean when I say E.Q. Rap or "Freeport," this piece is for you. The guy in the article isn't out of the ordinary; I have friends who have lives with playtimes over 500 days over 3 years. The thing I like most is the way the programs invites you to empathize with the massively multiplayer gamers. The interview doesn't just report the fact as say "Boy that is odd!" It explains WHY so many people are willing to spend all their free time doing this kind of slow-moving role-playing game.