Jackee Hintz

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  • Username: jackee
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Listener


Caption: Groks Science Radio Show

Far UVC -- Groks Science Show 2024-07-24 (28:30)
From: Charles Lee

John Rajchert discussed the development of Far UVC technology.
Caption: Groks Science Radio Show

Hactivism -- Groks Science Show 2024-07-17 (28:30)
From: Charles Lee

Barrett Brown discussed his book, My Glorious Defeats.
Caption: Groks Science Radio Show

Leadership Insights -- Groks Science Show 2024-07-10 (28:30)
From: Charles Lee

James Wetrich discussed his book, Stifled: Where Good Leaders Go Wrong.
Caption: Groks Science Radio Show

Interbellum Constitution -- Groks Science Show 2024-07-03 (28:30)
From: Charles Lee

Dr. Alison LaCroix discussed her book, The Interbellum Constitution.
Caption: Groks Science Radio Show

Vanishing Aeronautics -- Groks Science Show 2024-06-26 (28:30)
From: Charles Lee

Dan Hampton discussed his book, Vanishing Act.