Comments by Sarah Cook

Comment for "Boredom"

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Review of Boredom

Oh yeah, that's summer. I like this kid a lot. It was nice to hear something from the point of view of the accused, it was a great story too. The narration and the scenes worked together really well and the editing was solid. I usually get bored with things that are more than a few minutes long, boredom??, but the timing of this was perfect, I still was awake and alert at the end. Good plot, nice setup, awesome music. All around a fantastic piece.

Comment for "To Bag or Not to Bag" (deleted)

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Review of To Bag or Not to Bag (deleted)

The question has never really bothered me, I don't mow, but the answers were intriguing. I liked the sound effects and the interviews with local experts. It was a little long for a story about lawns but the idea was fun and this would make a great summer piece.

Comment for "The Best Confession (2005) (Audio Drama)"

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Review of The Best Confession/ Flashforward

The overall effect of these two pieces(The Best Confession and Flashforward) is extraordinary. They are simple and I loved the way that I was captivated for minutes by something that could be described in thirty seconds. I usually don't like dramatic scenes on the radio because most people just aren't good actors when they can't show their emotions, but the actors in these stories were amazingly convincing, and animated enough in their speech and noises that they conveyed their emotion without being overly dramatic. The music is what impressed me the most in both pieces. The simple piano music that was behind each story fit each part of the plot and the lack of music was so dramatic that I was startled. Nice job, this is definitely something worth listening to.

Comment for "Whistling Kettle News"

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Review of Whistling Kettle News

It’s an enjoyable piece that has a very interesting plot. The music makes the interviews very fun and the interviewees themselves are very convincing. By including interviews the story takes a much more interesting direction and I felt attached to the hero, the whale. The story is told so it seems possible and is a great break from regular news. The idea, plot, and music are creative making the story fit together very nicely to make a great piece.

Comment for "Thrift Town"

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Review of Thrift Town

This is a quirky and hilarious commentary on the fun of Thrift Town shopping. The shoppers are extremely funny with their finds and their social commentary on teenage shopping habits. The plot is simple but it works really well for this story and is really carried by the girls and their one-liners about their "hideous" finds. It’s a very amusing piece that had me laughing out loud. "My mom's Jewish Lauren!"

Comment for "Clockwise: Mayhem Ensues"

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Review of Clockwise: Mayhem Ensues

This was a really interesting piece to listen to. The idea was new, the sound was original, and the voice was perfect. The reading of the story worked phenomenally with the plot and the music was a tight fit. The subject for this piece was the most interesting part, and it was so much fun to listen to because people never think of things like this normally, which makes it ideal for the radio. Going back in time seems like something everyone wishes they could do at some point in their life so why not today? It's a great piece that should be put on the air ASAP.

Comment for "The Graceful Art of Breaking Up"

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Review of The Graceful Art of Breaking Up

I really liked the style of the piece with narration and the completion of sentences with interviews. It was a great relationship piece for teens. The music was fun and really helped the piece to feel more light and youthful. I wished that there was a little more in depth information but it was a engaging piece that is a good representation of the teen dating scene that was upbeat and fairly amusing.

Comment for "Jim Moore Fishing Tales"

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Review of Jim Moore Fishing Tales

The introduction is slightly long and could be a bit more concise. I found myself getting bored during the explanation of fishing techniques and types but it picked up when he started telling stories. The stories that were told were funny but the idea seems a little erratic as the story moves from airstrips in Siberia to what a trawling boat is, it could flow better. I like the idea of chronicling his job but the explanations are not that funny, while the stories are, making the story conflicting. The piece was still good for those who would like to learn more about fishing or those that are interested in the lifestyle of a commercial fisherman.

Comment for "Guantanamo Commercial"

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Review of Guantanamo Commercial

This is one of my favorite pieces. The plot is extremely serious but the story is very, very funny. The two lawyers that are advertising their services have hilarious voices and make excellent points. The products that they advertise such as "A self defending self defense box" are ridiculous and make the story satirical as well as just plain funny. They mock the legal system with their "classy action" suits and bring some much needed humor to a serious issue. This piece is great for those looking to present the lighter side of our government and to make their listeners laugh.

Comment for "Funny Business"

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Review of Funny Business

The story was interesting, it seemed to be more sarcastic than humorous, but still amusing. I liked the way that it flowed and the progession of his classes with the progession of his humor. The voice was very intesting and really helped to carry the story, it was breathy and monotone in a way that was intriguing. The author wrote a quality story that was meant for radio but still had some literary merit.

Comment for "Julie the Amtrak God"

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Review of Julie the Amtrak God

It was interesting to listen to because it was unpredictable, it was a little long but the length helped the listener to understand what was happening. I liked the way that the piece was organized, without any narrative but with just the phone calls, it helped the listener to draw their own conclusions. The piece was good for radio because it had a vague plot so the listeners didn't have to pay close attention and the noises were interesting enough to make people stop and listen.