Comments by Mike Stanton-Rich

Comment for "Assisted Living" (deleted)

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Review of Assisted Living (deleted)

I definitely want to see the movie based on this piece (something tells me it won't be coming to Kobe, Japan). It works as a teaser, but I thinks the movie concept desires more analysis.

Comment for "My Experiences With The "N" Word"

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Review of Experiences With The "N" Word

Opening is very strong with a personal story. The producer treats the "N" word delicately and uses the experiences of Richard Pryor in exploring it further. A tough topic that is worthy to be aired.

Comment for "With God On Our Side: From Rivalry To Reconciliation"

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Review of With God On Our Side: From Rivalry To Reconciliation

It is an excellent piece that deals with the differences between Muslims, Jews and Christians. These differences can be painful and difficult to discuss, but we live in a world where the discussion must take place. This is a heavy piece, and will take considerable concentration to grasp the depth of the production.

If there is a weakness in the program it is that the diversity of voices within Islam and Christianity are more pronounced than those of Judaism in the opening half of the piece. The second half of the program is inspiring because it gives first hand accounts of how hatred and differences can be overcome. The last portion of the piece is a roundtable discussion with all three religions represented and offers a good example of how people can speak about the differences between faith perspectives with respect for others.

Highly recommended as we approach major holy seasons of Jews and Christians.

Comment for "Miss Dumpy"

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Review of Miss Dumpy

I felt I was right there with the folks of Kennebunkport. A light, enjoyable piece that uses the local color of the 'Miss Dumpy' event to entertain the listener. Would be a great feature to put along side news of the Miss America or Universe pageant.

Comment for "The Graceful Art of Breaking Up"

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Review of The Graceful Art of Breaking Up

I enjoy youth produced radio because it is usually fun and takes on serious issues in a light way. Overall I enjoyed this one and hope to hear it on air.

Concept is very timely for Valentine's Day.

Comment for "Where Coffee Rituals Go to Die"

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Review of Where Coffee Rituals Go to Die

Well produced, musical bits are engaging. Main interviewee is authentic and quirky. Last few minutes were especially interesting to this reviewer.