Grant Barrett

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  • Username: grantbarrett
  • Host/Producer
  • Role: Producer Group Staff

Recent Pieces from Grant Barrett

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Hog on Ice (#1544) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

One secret to writing well is . . . there is no secret! There's no substitute for simply sitting down day after day to practice the craft and learn from your mistakes. Plus, ...
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Minor Planets (#1639) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

There are eight major planets, but more than a million minor ones, including asteroids. If you discover one, you get the honor of naming it. The Dictionary of Minor Planet ...
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Goody Two-Shoes (#1543) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

She sells seashells by the seashore. Who is the she in this tongue twister? Some claim it's the young Mary Aning, who went on to become a famous 19th-century British ...
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Pinking Shears (#1638) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

When you're distracted by trying to get the perfect photo at a wedding or fiddling with your camera during a solar eclipse, you're missing out on some of the experience ...
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Baby Blues (#1542) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

A hundred years ago, suffragists lobbied to win women the right to vote. Linguistically speaking, though, suffrage isn't about "suffering." It's from a Latin word that ...
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Sleeve Island (#1637) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

Language from inside a monastery. A Benedictine monk in the Episcopal Church shares terms from his world: For example, corporate prayer refers to praying as a group. And did ...
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Walkie Talkie (#1541) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

One of the most powerful words you'll ever hear -- and one of the most poignant -- isn't in dictionaries yet. But it probably will be one day. The word is endling, and it ...
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Tiger Tail (#1540) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

You may have a favorite word in English, but what about your favorite in another language? The Spanish term ojala is especially handy for expressing hopefulness and derives ...
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Clever Clogs (#1539) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

Ribbon fall. Gallery forest. You won't find terms like these in most dictionaries, but they and hundreds like them are discussed by famous writers in the book Home Ground: A ...
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Bug in Your Ear (#1537) (54:00)
From: A Way with Words

Is there something inherent in English that makes it the linguistic equivalent of the Borg, dominating and consuming other languages in its path? No, Not at all. The answer ...