Joseph Bly

Caption: PRX default User image
  • Username: josephbly
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Station-Based

Recent Pieces from Joseph Bly

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High Country Celtic Radio 330 - Raggle Taggle #33 (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

Every ten shows, Katie Marie and Joe put together an hour of tunes and songs that we had to cut due to time from the last ten shows.
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High Country Celtic Radio 329 - The Flutilla Sails Again (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

This week, in honor of traditional Celtic flute players gathering for summer festivals and camps across the US, Katie Marie and Joe put together an hour of trad music ...
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High Country Celtic Radio 328 - Canada Day (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

In honor of Canada Day on July 1st, Katie and Joe put together some tracks from our good neighbors to the north.
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High Country Celtic Radio 327 - Stateside (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

It's Independence Day here in the US, so Katie Marie and Joe celebrate by setting off a hot hour of traditional Celtic music played by artists from across the US.
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High Country Celtic Radio 326 - Free-Reed Frenzy (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

Happy Solstice! Katie Marie and Joe are celebrating by playing an hour of free-reed instruments in trad music: accordion, melodeon, and concertina.
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High Country Celtic Radio 325 - The Trees (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

Last week, Katie Marie and Joe looked out the station window at all the trees fully leafed out, and decided that we need to put together a show celebrating trees.
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High Country Celtic Radio 324 - Father's Day (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

It's Father's Day here at High Country Celtic Radio, and Katie Marie and Joe put together an hour of music celebrating all those with dad bods who love grilling and opening ...
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High Country Celtic Radio 323 - Summertime (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

Summertime is finally here, with warm sun, green trees, thunderstorms, and lazy days.
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High Country Celtic Radio 322 - Memorial Day (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

Katie Marie and Joe assembled an hour of trad Celtic music comemmorating Memorial Day here in the US.
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High Country Celtic Radio 321 - Raggle Taggle #32 (59:00)
From: High Country Celtic Radio

There is so much fantastic Trad music to choose from that Katie Marie and Joe have to leave tracks out when we put our shows together.