Fletcher Powell

Caption: PRX default User image
  • Username: fpowell
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Station-Based

Recent Pieces from Fletcher Powell

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The Etymology Olympics (29:00)
From: KMUW

With the world's greatest sporting event upon us, we look at the origins of some sports-related words.
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Is This a Fossil? Or Just Some Dumb Old Rock? (28:59)
From: KMUW

A listener question prompts us to think about words like rehabilitate, revamp, and nonplussed, and whether we can be plussed about habilitating and vamping, or if we're just ...
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The Ambiguity of English (Is the Name of My Jazz Band) (29:00)
From: KMUW

This week, we're talking ambiguous words and ambiguous phrases. Sometimes we think we know what we're saying and sometimes we're really wrong.
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It's a Dead Language, I Always Say (29:00)
From: KMUW

Latin may be dead, but we still use it every day. This week, we look at some common Latin phrases and what they actually mean.
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Cranberry Morphemes (29:00)
From: KMUW

We know what a berry is, we know what a cranberry is, but what the heck is a "cran?" We enter the sometimes murky world of the cranberry morpheme...
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Final Exams (29:00)
From: KMUW

As we head into summer, we'll take a look back to see if we can remember what we've learned over the past year.
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The Defining Words of the Spelling Bee (28:59)
From: KMUW

After this year's thrilling spell-off in the National Spelling Bee, we try to tease out the definitions of some of the words that won the contest.
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The Oldest of Old Worlds (28:58)
From: KMUW

This week, we're talking about some of the very oldest words in the English language, and how little some of them have changed over thousands of years.
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Smooshed-up Words (29:00)
From: KMUW

We're looking at words that were made by smooshing together other words, but it all happened so long ago that we completely forgot about it.
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Escher Sentences (And Other Nice Ways of Saying Nothing) (29:00)
From: KMUW

We'll look at phrases that seem at first glance to mean something, but are actually complete nonsense.