Comments by Madeleine Bair

Comment for "RIP T-shirt Segment"

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Review of RIP T-shirt Segment

Great short story on a piece of clothing we see so often in urban communities but rarely stop to think of its significance. This piece is engaging, sound rich, and one of those stories that makes you sit and think about the topic after listening. Because RIP shirts are common around the country and in the media, I think it would be engaging for a national audience.

Comment for "Consistency of Jell-O"

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Review of Consistency of Jell-O

This is a very good piece about how a war injury has affected one soldier. It's pretty amazing how touching the piece is without trying, and how informative it is without narration. It is simply a well-mixed and very well-interviewed story told by the soldier and his doctor. Because of the flawless mixing and engaging voices, it does not feel as long as it is, and it leaves the listener pondering the subject long after it ends.

Comment for "She's An Ironman"

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Review of She's An Ironman

It caught my interest immediately - an indication of the great editing throughout the piece. It's also different, not just in the non-narrative style, but the story itself. I don't think I've ever heard the story of one amateur athlete, and the personal motivation for doing a marathon. Fine work!