Comments by Mason Gibb

Comment for "Snap Judgment #305: The Long Con"

Caption: PRX default User image

Attn Radio Producers: I donated my car for the Snap!

Yes, that's right. It wasn't in the best of condition, wasn't really safe to drive. But it drove! When I decided to give my car to the local radio affiliate, I made sure to say that I was doing it for Snap Judgment. They claimed that this message went to the station manager. I do not know if Sacramento's Capital Public Radio is broadcasting The Snap yet (because I pick up a Bay Area satellite feed in better sound), but I hope they know that's why I donated my car!

All I am asking is 4 to 6 Snap Judgment promos during Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and Fresh Air throughout the week. On weekends, I would like to see approximately 1/2 of the news magazine shows replaced with repeats of Snap Judgment. The other 1/2 of these magazine shows can be replaced with promos for Snap Judgment. The days a new episode of Snap Judgment airs, I would set a minimum target at doubling the amount of promos, even if it cuts into the national feed. You can keep RadioLab, This American Life, and Says You--but I'd recommend replacing all station IDs with Snap Judgment promos.

This was a great episode, but the 5/5 stars goes for the series. Glynn's superhero story was one of the best segments in modern radio storytelling (see the Superhero episode), but this episode is also a superb introduction into the Snap.

By the way: the car before this (which wasn't even running) went to a battered women's home. Please make me feel like I did the right thing Capital Public Radio!